# My Personal Website Welcome to my personal website! This website serves as both a blog and an online resume, showcasing my skills, projects, and background. It includes sections like About Me, Work/Projects, and a way to download my CV. ## Features - **About Me**: Learn more about who I am and my background. - **Work/Projects**: Explore my past and current work. - **Skills**: See the technical and professional skills I bring to the table. - **Contact**: Get in touch with me through the contact form. - **Download CV**: Access my resume with the option to download it. ## Technologies Used - **HTML5**: For structuring the web pages. - **CSS3**: For styling the pages and making them responsive. - **Flexbox**: For layout alignment. - **GitHub Pages**: For hosting the website (or you can host it elsewhere if you prefer). ## Installation To view the website locally, follow these steps: ### Prerequisites Ensure you have the following installed: - A browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Firefox) - A code editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code) - Optional: Git for version control ### Steps to Set Up Locally 1. Clone this repository to your local machine: ```bash git clone https://github.com/your-username/your-repository-name.git