
deCONZ REST-API Documentation

Primary LanguagePython

deCONZ REST-API Documentation

This repository holds the sources to build the deCONZ REST-API Documentation.

All source files are maintained in the master branch.

Github Pages

The actual documentation can be found at https://dresden-elektronik.github.io/deconz-rest-doc.
It is hosted via Github pages, with the content of the gh-pages branch.


The documentation is build with MkDocs. The content it mostly written in Markdown files in the /docs directory.

We accept pull requests for the master branch.

To edit files locally and review the changes before creating a pull request, you need to:

  1. Fork and checkout the master branch of this repository;
  2. Install MkDocs;
cd deconz-rest-doc
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install mkdocs
  1. Start local MkDocs webserver;
venv/bin/mkdocs serve
  1. MkDocs now starts a slim webserver on your local machine;
INFO    -  Building documentation... 
INFO    -  Cleaning site directory 
INFO    -  Documentation built in 0.72 seconds 
[I 201120 20:18:17 server:335] Serving on
INFO    -  Serving on
[I 201120 20:18:17 handlers:62] Start watching changes
INFO    -  Start watching changes
[I 201120 20:18:17 handlers:64] Start detecting changes
INFO    -  Start detecting changes

  1. Open in your browser to view the documentation output.

Note: Since MkDocs supports hot reload changes in Markdown files are updated immediately in the browser.

Once your happy with the edits, create a pull request of the master branch 🎉