Here I consider searching for a single, stationary jammer using multiple vehicles with a bearing-only sensing modality. I use the ergodic control framework presented in [1] as well as that presented in [2],[3].
This work is still in progress; this repo and documentation is really just for myself; nothing is guaranteed to work.
To install, fire up Julia in the terminal and type
To begin using, type the following while in Julia
using MAEBOL
The SearchDomain
type describes the search region in which the jammer lies.
Some of the important fields are as follows:
is a tuple of ints describing jammer location.(theta_x, theta_y)
To create a default SearchDomain
, do the following
m = SearchDomain(40)
A VehicleSet
is simply a vector of Vehicle
The fields of Vehicle
You can define your own policies. To do so, you must extend the abstract Policy
class and implement get_action
. For example, the following code defines a policy that always moves the vehicle north and east.
type NorthEastPolicy <: Policy
function get_action(m::SearchDomain, X::VehicleSet, p::NorthEastPolicy, t)
n = length(X)
A = Array(NTuple{2,Float64}, n)
for i = 1:n
A[i] = (0.5, 0.5)
return A
s = Simulation(m, X, p, 10)
Plotting is done using the PyPlot package, so this needs to be installed.
Below are the most common plotting functions
# m is a SearchDomain
# X is a VehicleSet
plot_b(m,X) # Plots belief
plot_eid(m,X) # Plots expected information density (Fisher-based)
plot_mi(m,X) # Plots mutual information
plot_sim(m,s) # Plots results of simulation s
This section describes important aspects of ergodic control and their implementation here.
The expected information density (EID) is a distribution over the search domain that characterizes the informational value of being at a specific point in the domain.
However, when we want to estimate a multivariable parameter, we have an expected information matrix (EIM). We denote this matrix as Phi(x).
D-optimality is often used to convert the EIM into EID: EID(x) = det(Phi(x))
EID(m::SearchDomain, b::Belief)
generates EID matrix over domain.EID(m::SearchDomain, theta_x, theta_y)
finds EID at a specific jammer location.
In order to perform ergodic control, the EID needs to be broken down into Fourier coefficients.
phik(m::SearchDomain, phi::Matrix{Float64}, k::Int)
finds the k
th coefficient of the EDI represented with phi
The ErgodicManager
type contains many of the important functions needed to perform ergodic control.
An ErgodicManager
can be instantiated with a SearchDomain
and a number of Fourier coefficients K
em = ErgodicManager(m, K)
Some fields
- K::Int
- L::Int
- Gamma::Matrix{Float64}
- h::Matrix{Float64}
- phi::Matrix{Float64}
- phik::Matrix{Float64}
- ck::Matrix{Float64}
- F
- George Mathew, Igor Mezić, Metrics for ergodicity and design of ergodic dynamics for multi-agent systems, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Volume 240, Issues 4–5, 15 February 2011, Pages 432-442, ISSN 0167-2789,
- Y. Silverman, L. M. Miller, M. A. MacIver and T. D. Murphey, "Optimal planning for information acquisition," Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on, Tokyo, 2013, pp. 5974-5980.
- L. M. Miller and T. D. Murphey, "Optimal planning for target localization and coverage using range sensing," Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, Gothenburg, 2015, pp. 501-508.