Appstats collects raw event data and provides an API for reading and summarizing that data. Inspired by Cube but written in Erlang using LevelDB.
A very simple HTTP API has been provided to explore collected data.
Return a list of running sessions:
GET /sessions
Return the first and last known time points for a running session:
GET /session/:session_id/timespan
"start": 1368115003903,
"stop": 1368139163500
Return the names of events collected during a particular period of time:
GET /session/:session_id/names?start=1367995259000&stop=1367995260000
Return summary of data for all events during a period of time at a specified step interval:
GET /session/:session_id/data?start=1368139003903&stop=1368139063904&step=60000
"timestamp": 1368139003903,
"data": {
"riak.vnode_get.0": {
"count": 115,
"min": 36,
"mean": 69.10434782608695,
"max": 262
"riak.vnode_get.1164634117248063262943561351070788031288321245184": {
"count": 144,
"min": 33,
"mean": 65.31944444444444,
"max": 160
"riak.vnode_get.1324485858831130769622089379649131486563188867072": {
"count": 140,
"min": 35,
"mean": 69.33571428571429,
"max": 458
"timestamp": 1368139063903,
"data": {
"riak.vnode_get.1164634117248063262943561351070788031288321245184": {
"count": 148,
"min": 31,
"mean": 65.4391891891892,
"max": 339
"riak.vnode_get.0": {
"count": 150,
"min": 26,
"mean": 63.82,
"max": 162
"riak.vnode_get.890602560248518965780370444936484965102833893376": {
"count": 142,
"min": 24,
"mean": 66.90845070422536,
"max": 233
Return summary data for a particular event during a period of time at a specified step interval:
GET /session/:session_id/data?name=riak.vnode_get.0&start=1368139003903&stop=1368139063904&step=60000
"timestamp": 1368139003903,
"data": {
"riak.vnode_get.0": {
"count": 115,
"min": 36,
"mean": 69.10434782608695,
"max": 262
"timestamp": 1368139063903,
"data": {
"riak.vnode_get.0": {
"count": 150,
"min": 26,
"mean": 63.82,
"max": 162
There is a basic statsd server implemented in the statsd_server
This application will listen on port 8125 for StatsD messages and store them in
an Appstats session.
To start the server:
cd examples/statsd_server
make start
The collected data can be viewed in a browser at http://localhost:8080
This example is a single riakc client worker repeatedly getting a random key from Riak. The example assumes there is a Riak instance listening for PB connections on "".
To start the example:
cd examples/riakc_example
make start
Data collected from the example can be viewed in a browser at http://localhost:8080
The current visualization uses Cubism to update the visuals in real time. The real time updates are neat but not necessary. Better, non-real time, visualizations should be developed (e.g. a heatmap of a metrics histogram).
It may be useful to look into using Vega
Support queries other than exact name match. Possible queries:
- "riak.vnode_get.*" - group all vnode_get stats into a single metric per timestamp
- "riak.vnode_get.*|riak.vnode_put.*" - return 2 stats per timestamp, each stat would group vnode_gets and vnode_puts
Retrieving names is slow.
Appstats computes much more information than is currently exposed over HTTP. This information should be exposed (e.g. percentiles, histograms).