the Costanza API

This is a REST API that provides quotes from Seinfeld characters George and Frank Costanza. The API is built using Node.js, Express, and Postgres.


To use the API, send a GET request to the following endpoint:

copy code

This will return all the quotes from George and Frank Costanza in JSON format:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "Frank",
  "season": 6,
  "episode": 4

The quote schema includes the following properties:

  • id: the unique identifier of the quote
  • quote: the text of the quote
  • name: the name of the character who said the quote
  • season: the season number of the episode where the quote was said
  • episode: the episode number of the episode where the quote was said
  • Contributing

    Pull requests are welcome! If you find a bug or have an idea for a new feature, please open an issue to discuss it before submitting a pull request.

    Acknowledgments The quotes used in this API were sourced from the Seinfeld Quotes website, IMDB and many years of being a Seinfeld fan.

    George and Frank Costanza