Drews Vim Config

Based off of Neovim from scratch

Get healthy

Open nvim and enter the following:


You'll probably notice you don't have support for copy/paste also that python and node haven't been setup

So let's fix that

First we'll fix copy/paste

  • On mac pbcopy should be builtin

  • On Ubuntu

    sudo apt install xsel
  • On Arch Linux

    sudo pacman -S xsel

Next we need to install python support (node is optional)

  • Neovim python support

    pip install pynvim
  • Neovim node support

    npm i -g neovim

NOTE make sure you have node installed, I recommend a node manager like fnm.

Upgrade to latest release

Mac Key Repeat Command

defaults write -g KeyRepeat -int 1.6

  • Default is 2