
A bit of a framework for web dev in Golang. Picture PHP Laravel, but in Go and nowhere near as good... and with none of the features. That's what this project is.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


It's a sort of web framework but don't use this, it's not for you.


The idea was to make a kind-of-sort-of extension to (Gorilla Mux)[github.com/gorilla/mux] that allowed one to quickly integrate with Postgresql (other DBs could be added to be supported)

But, as mentioned before, don't use this, it's really not for you!


Ok, we're going here are we, I mean I told you not to use it but you've kept going.

So, this was developed to make my life a little easier when knocking together websites.

  • It's probably not pretty
  • It's probably not clever
  • It's probably not intelligent
  • It's probably not quicker or easier in the long run for you to learn it than say, Gorilla mux, but it works for me.
  • It has some prebuilt "stuff" (models) for users, customers etc... Some need work.
  • It has some not working stuff that I may, when I can/need the feature, get around to adding/fixing.
  • It sort of integrates Stripe support.
  • It supports a yaml config, so that's something I guess...

To be honest if you want any-more than that, just have a read through the code and comments that are there.

OR, as mentioned in previous sections

just don't use it - it's not for you :-D

"Why is it not for me?"

I've made this public because I'm playing, maybe one day it will be for you, but that day isn't today :-)
If you really want to use it then have at it! I won't stop ya!


package main

import (

type YourServerConfig struct {

func (s *YourServerConfig) Index(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
	responses.JSON(w, http.StatusOK, "Welcome to the site!")

func (s *YourServerConfig) RoutePathsDefinitions() *[]routing.Route {
	routeDefinitions := &[]routing.Route{
			Name:            "Home",
			Description:     "Index of the site",
			Path:            "/index",
			HandlerFunc:     s.Index,
			RequestMethod:   http.MethodGet,
			HasJSONResponse: true,
	return routeDefinitions

func WithoutSSL() {
	var err error
	server := &YourServerConfig{
	server.Config, err = environment.ReadEnvironmentFile()
	if err != nil {
	endpoint := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", server.Config.App.IP, server.Config.App.Port)
	log.Printf("Listening on address %s", server.Config.App.IP)
	log.Printf("Listening on port %d", server.Config.App.Port)
	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(endpoint, server.Router))

func WithSSL() {
	var err error
	var wait time.Duration
	flag.DurationVar(&wait, "graceful-timeout", time.Second*15, "the duration for which the server gracefully wait for existing connections to finish - e.g. 15s or 1m")

	server := &YourServerConfig{
	server.Config, err = environment.Initialise()
	if err != nil {
	httpsSrv := &http.Server{
		Addr:         fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", server.Config.App.IP, server.Config.App.Port),
		WriteTimeout: time.Second * 15,
		ReadTimeout:  time.Second * 15,
		IdleTimeout:  time.Second * 60,
		Handler:      server.Router,

	// Run our server in a goroutine so that it doesn't block.
	go func() {
		log.Printf("Listening on address %s", server.Config.App.IP)
		log.Printf("Listening on port %d", server.Config.App.Port)
		if err := httpsSrv.ListenAndServeTLS("ssl/cert.pem", "ssl/key.pem"); err != nil {
			log.Println("server error:", err)

	c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt)

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), wait)
	defer cancel()
	log.Println("shutting down")

func main() {

You can set up an app.config to configure the app like so:

  fqdn: "https://example.com:8081"
  env: "DEV"
  ip: ""
  port: 8081
  domain_short: "example.com"
    private_key: ""
    public-key: ""
    ca_key: ""
  api_secret: "PASSWORD"
  api_endpoint: "http://example.com:8082"
  host: "IP_ADDR"
  port: 5432
  name: "DB_NAME"
  username: "USERNAME"
  password: "PASSWORD"
  secret_key: "ENTER"
  public_key: "ENTER"
  webhook_secret: "ENTER"
  account_id: "ENTER"