
Game bot for slack

Primary LanguagePython


Tortugaboy is a Slack game bot.



  1. Clone the repo

  2. pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Host the web app on Heroku:

    heroku create
    git push heroku master
    heroku ps:scale web=1
    heroku logs
  4. Set up some config variables using heroku config:set VARIBLE=value:

    • TOKEN: your team's Slack API token. (required)
    • USERNAME: your bot's username. (optional; defaults to 'tortugaboy')
    • ICON_EMOJI: the emoji used in the bot's icon. (optional; defaults to ':moyai:')
    • CHANNEL: the channel in which you stand up. (optional; defaults to '#random')
    • DELAY_IN_SEC: the countdown timer value in seconds. (optional; defaults to 3)
  5. Add the URL where the web app is deployed as an outgoing webhook in Slack. Don't forget the trailing /!

  6. Type !help in your chosen channel to see help message and !game to start the game.


This bot totally based on https://github.com/eelzon/morgenbot by @eelzon, Thank you.


  • @drew2a