
Working through the admin panel tutorial, but translating to typescript

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Working on the Build a COMPLETE React Admin Dashboard App tutorial

I am currently working on the tutorial available at this URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYpCWwD1oz0. This tutorial shows how to build a complete React admin dashboard app using React, Material-UI, and a data grid component. The tutorial uses JavaScript, but I am translating the code to TypeScript.

Some react/TS notes for beginners


In the context of a React application, a component tree is a visual representation of the hierarchical structure of the components in the application. Each component in the tree is a piece of the UI, and the tree shows how the components are nested and interact with each other.

For example, imagine a simple React application that has a App component and two child components, Header and Main. The Header component contains a Navigation component, and the Main component contains a Content component. The component tree for this application would look like this:

├── Header
│   └── Navigation
└── Main
    └── Content

Each component in the tree has its own state and behavior, and the tree shows how the components are composed to create the UI of the application. When the state of a component changes, the tree is re-rendered to reflect the updated UI.

Some comments about the implementation of this app, following the tutorial


createContext is a function provided by the React library that creates a Context object. This object is used to pass data down the component tree without having to pass props manually through every level. In this case, the ColorModeContext object is being created with a default value of an object that has a single property, toggleColorMode, which is set to a function that takes no arguments and returns an empty object.

The toggleColorMode function is being used to switch between the light and dark color modes in the UI. When the function is called, it toggles the color mode by setting the value of the mode state variable to either 'light' or 'dark'.

The useMode hook uses the mode state variable to generate a Theme object based on the current color mode, and returns this Theme object and the toggleColorMode function as a tuple. This tuple can be destructured and used to provide the Theme object to the Material-UI ThemeProvider component, and the toggleColorMode function to components that need to be able to toggle the color mode.

The reason for setting the default value of toggleColorMode to a no-op function is to provide a default implementation for the toggleColorMode property in case a consumer of the ColorModeContext object does not provide their own implementation. This way, consumers of the context don't have to check whether the toggleColorMode property is defined before calling it.