
Additional safeguards for DB migrations using DbUp

MIT LicenseMIT


A console app for DbUp with additional safe guards to avoid developer errors.


  • Support Manifest file for RunOnce migrations Provides merge conflict check when two different branches have RunOnce scripts.

  • Only run RunAlways scripts if they've changed, using checksum

  • Throw error if the contents of a migration have changed, using checksum

  • Throw error if a migration is inserted with a lower version than current

  • this migration wouldn't run and we should be warned

  • option to ignore

  • option to force

  • Dev environment commands

  • Drop

  • Clear

  • Reset (Drop and Run all migrations)

Strech goals:

  • Snapshot

  • Restore

  • MultiFolder with config file per folder Enables running groups of RunOnce and RunAlways migrations, in an order that matters for the migrations


  • .dbup.config { Run = Always, OnlyIfChanged = true }
  • 001_ensure_schemas.sql
  • 002_ensure_roles.sql


  • .dbup.config { Run = Once, ErrorIfChanged = false, ErrorIfInserts = true }
  • .dbup.manifest [ v--1_add_users.sql ]
  • 001_add_users.sql


  • .dbup.config { Run = Always, OnlyIfChanged = false }
  • 001_users_tests.sql


  • .dbup.config { Run = Always, OnlyIfChanged = true }
  • 001_sp_users_add.sql
  • 002_sp_users_delete.sql


  • .dbup.config { Run = Always, OnlyIfChanged = true }
  • 001_ensure_user_roles.sql
  • 002_ensure_countries.sql


  • .dbup.config { Run = Once, ErrorIfChanged = false, ErrorIfInserts = true, NewTransaction = true }
  • .dbup.manifest
  • 001_fix_departments.sql