
NPM package repo for altheajs-prettier-config.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Althea Web Service's prettier configuration.

View this package on NPM: click here



npm install --save-dev altheajs-prettier-config

If you don't have it installed already, also install prettier as a devDependency.

npm install --save-dev prettier --save-exact


yarn add --dev altheajs-prettier-config prettier


We export two ESLint configurations for your usage:

  1. AWS Default
  2. Prettier's Default

AWS Default Config

The simplest way to install and use the default config is to reference it directly in your package.json file as follows:

	// ...package.json
	"prettier": "altheajs-prettier-config"

If you'd like to extend the configurations, create a .prettierrc.js file at the root of your project that contains:

module.exports = {
	semi: true,

Prettier's Default Config

If you prefer to use Prettier's defaults, you can access it via "altheajs-prettier-config/default". Just use it as a reference to what package to extend from or point to, as used in the above two examples.

## NPM Scripts Command

You can add in an npm script to your `package.json` which will apply prettier rules across all the file patterns specified. Simply add the following to apply to all files:

	"scripts": {
		// --write will apply the rules
		"lint:prettier": "npx prettier --config ./prettier.config.js **/*.* --write",
		// if you prefer to just check for errors use the --check flag
		"lint:prettiercheck": "npx prettier --config ./prettier.config.js **/*.* --check"

Pre-commit Hook

As another line of defense, if you want Prettier to automatically fix your errors on commit, you can use lint-staged with husky, which manages git hooks.

  1. npm install --save-dev lint-staged husky
  2. Update your package.json like this:
	"lint-staged": {
		"*.{js,css,json,md}": ["prettier --write", "git add"]
	"husky": {
		"hooks": {
			"pre-commit": "lint-staged"

If you already have lint-staged running ESLint, just add the prettier step on top of it:

	"lint-staged": {
		"*.{js,css,json,md}": ["prettier --write", "git add"],
		"*.js": ["eslint --fix", "git add"]
	"husky": {
		"hooks": {
			"pre-commit": "lint-staged"

Visual Studio Code

  1. Install Prettier extension: View → Extensions then find and install Prettier - Code formatter
  2. Reload the editor
  3. In your user settings Code -> Preferences -> Settings add editor.formatOnSave: true

Sublime Text 3




Enforced Rules

Check out all of Prettier's configuration options.

  • Print Width

    Line wrap at 100 characters.

  • Tab Width

    2 spaces per indentation-level.

  • Tabs

    Indent lines with tabs, not spaces.

  • Semicolons

    Always print semicolons at the ends of statements.

    const greeting = "hi";
  • Quote

    Use single quotes instead of double quotes.

    const quote = "single quotes are better";
  • Trailing Commas

    Use trailing commas wherever possible.

    const obj = {
    	a: "hi",
    	b: "hey",
  • Bracket Spacing

    Print spaces between brackets in object literals.

    	foo: bar;
  • JSX Brackets

    Put the > of a multi-line JSX element at the end of the last line instead of being alone on the next line (does not apply to self closing elements).

    	Click Here
  • Arrow Function Parentheses

    Omit parens when possible.

    (x) => x;

visitor count