Rotten Tomatoes Client
This is an iOS demo application for displaying movied/DVD info from
Time spent: 10 hours
Completed User Stories
- required -- view a list of movies
- required -- poster images loading asynchronously
- required -- view movie details by tapping on a cell
- required -- loading state while waiting for movies API
- required -- error message when there's a networking error
- required -- pull to refresh the movie list
- required -- used Cocoapods
- required -- images use AFNetworking+UIImageView
- optional -- customized highlight and selection effect of the cell
- optional -- customized navigation bar
- optional -- tab bar for Box Office and DVD
- optional -- search bar for Box Office
- created (mostly clean) delegation for TableView search versus non-search modes
- search calls the API after the "search" button is clicked. had to fight mighily to get this working
- occasional "double free" crashes when loading the Box Office list (non-search). no idea how to debug
Walkthrough of All User Stories
GIF created with LiceCap.