
current configuration files

Primary LanguageC


Just a quick guide on my dotfiles. JustAGuyLinux on YouTube! is where you might have found me.

Areas of interest AND configuration file for the following:

  1. bspwm
  2. dk window mananger
  3. i3
  4. sway
  5. qtile
  6. dwm
  7. openbox
  8. hyprland
  9. fluxbox

Further, there are configs for:

  1. .bashrc
  2. dunst
  3. picom
  4. polybar
  5. nvim
  6. rofi
  7. tint2
  8. waybar
  9. wofi

Even more,

There is a bunch of scripts in the /bin directory

As of 04/26/2024

  1. changevolume
  2. dwm-key
  3. keybinds.txt
  4. keyhelper.sh
  5. ovpn
  6. polybar-cmus
  7. polybar-dk
  8. polybar-i3
  9. polybar-launch
  10. power
  11. pulseaudio-control.bash
  12. redshift-off
  13. redshift-on
  14. resize_xfce_windows
  15. rofi-key
  16. rofi-network-manager
  17. scpad
  18. time_date
  19. whichws
  20. whichwspace
  21. workspace_monitor
  22. xfce_ch_volume