
the code I use to reduce the AMT 40% fee to 20%

Primary LanguageHTML

Reduce Amazon Mechanical Turk's 40% fee to 20%


  1. Create a new project, fill in all the details as normal.
  2. Set the number of assignments per HIT at 1.
  3. I like to require at least a 90% acceptance rate and 100 approved HITs.
  4. Replace the source code of the description with this code.
  5. Upload a csv file. Sample here.

How it works

The important line of the HIT code is <!--${filler}--> which indicates to Amazon that you are going to provide a csv file that has a list of all the HITs to create, each with a different value for the variable filler.

But these variables don't ever show up in the description of the HIT, because they are enclosed within HTML comments.

When you upload the file that has 1 column (header is filler) and N rows with some arbitrary values, Amazon creates a separate HIT for each N row. You are only charged a 20% fee if each of those HITs has fewer than 9 participants.