Naive Bayes on top of a Dropbox Datastore. Put together by Ryhan.
The Dropbox Datastore JavaScript Tutorial has better documentation on this, but the gist is
var client = new Dropbox.Client({key: APP_KEY});
// Try to finish OAuth authorization.
client.authenticate({interactive: false});
// Our to-be Automator object
var myClassifier;
if (client.isAuthenticated()) {
var datastoreManager = client.getDatastoreManager();
datastoreManager.openDefaultDatastore(function (error, datastore) {
// Make an Automator object by passing in your datastore.
myClassifier = new Automator(datastore);
Once you have created your classifier, you can train it by supplying a string of space delimited lowercase words and a category (classification) name.
myClassifier.train("some lowercase space delimited text", "spam");
myClassifier.train("man I really love bagels", "not spam");
Once you have sufficient examples, you can start to classify some text.
myClassifier.classify("what are bagels like");
The above will return
category: "not spam", // returns a classification or "unknown"
reason: ["bagels"] // returns an array of features that support this classification
confidence: 0.5 // some number from 0 to 1
Oftentimes you want to start users off with some sort of default state.
You can check if the model has been trained at all by calling
myClassifier.hasModel() // Returns a boolean
You can destroy an existing model by calling
You can export your classifier's current state by calling
var state = myClassifier.toJSON();
and similarly merge/restore state by calling