
##This site is built on web.py

####For development

Install python-webpy (python2-webpy on ARCH) Then run ./code.py and visit localhost:8080

####For deploy

######apache2 + wsgi on ubuntu:

  • Install python-webpy libapache2-mod-wsgi
  • Setup a new user for the site.
  • Clone this repo into ~/website (or where ever).
  • Add a new site to apache

To enable webpy under wsgi for the new user:

WSGIScriptAlias / /<path_to_site>/website/code.py/
AddType text/html .py
Alias /static /<path_to_site>/website/static/
WSGIDaemonProcess <username> user=<username> group=<groupname> python-path=/<path_to_site>/website
WSGIProcessGroup <username>

Take special note of the python-path argument, without it wsgi will not find any local imports

When changes are made to the repo they will not show up on the site until the wsgi daemon is restarted, do do so run:
