
What is this? This repo provides an opinionated guide on how to delivery software well. It was made so that practitioners and organization could learn and benifit from the ideas within, and improve their own software delivery at both the team and organization levels.

Note: This effort is driven by me, Andrew Khoury (the owner of this repo). It represents all of my life learnings and experince in this field. I've been lucky enough to see software delivery in many small and large organizations, and I hope the information here helps you improve your software delivery practices.

CICD Specification

CICD Specification

This specification describes the requirements for continuous software delivery (CI/CD) that includes automation, quality, and security as part of the delivery system (not an after thought).

This spec is focused on technology, and won't change or transform an organization on it's own. This becomes valuable When used as part of a strategy, with people excited to see it implemented, and teams who get value out of a faster path to production.


Explaining CICD - Links and visuals to help explain and define CICD, so we have a shared understanding and usage of the terms.

Notes on Transformation - My personal notes and drawings that explore the key components to transformation in large organizations. While it talks about technology, there's a large focus on people and teams and the ingredients required for change.

  • Why do we care about fast feedback (in tech)
  • Why feedback matters (with end users)
  • Transformation & Development: Hint: It's not just about tech
  • Transformation Outline
  • Transformation on a page
  • People Influence Tech
  • Move value through the system
  • Work in small batches
  • Deliver working software (vertical slices)