
A small utility for working with cookies.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Working with cookies on the client side is short of being straight forward. As such, it is helpful to use utility functions to abstract some of the JavaScript cookie management methodoligies. I wrote this utility as an exercise to gain a deeper understanding of cookies and the result is a great set of methods that I hope others will also find useful.


###Create Cookie


  • name - the name of the cookie specified as a string
  • value - the value the named cookie will store as a string
  • opts - an object that allows for addition settings:
    • expires - date object specifying when the cookie expires
    • path - the url path the cookie can be accessed from
    • domain - domain on which the cookie can be accessed from
    • secure - if the cookie is being set over a secure connection, specify as boolean true to enable

A boolean value is returned based on whether or not the cookie was successfully created.

Basic example:

Cookie.set('useremail', 'john@johnny.com');

Example with options:

Cookie.set('useremail', 'john@johnny.com', {
    expires: new Date(new Date().getTime() + (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)), // expires in 24 hours
    path: '/',
    domain: 'mail.mysite.com'

###Retrieve Cookie Value


  • name - the name of the cookie to retrieve the value for, specified as a string

If a cookie with the specified name cannot be found, boolean false is returned otherwise the value of the cookie is returned as a string.


var email = Cookie.get('useremail');

###Delete Cookie


  • name - the name of the cookie to delete, specified as a string
  • opts - an object that allows for the specification of additional settings, as setting should match the options that are specified when the cookie was created
    • path - the url path from which the cookie is accessed from
      • domain - the domain from which the cookie is accessed from

If the cookie is successfully deleted, true is returned. Otherwise, the method returns boolean false.

Basic example:


Example with options:

Cookie.remove('useremail', {
    path: '/',
    domain: 'mail.mysite.com'

See the included index.html file for additional examples of usage.