Setting up the webapp #0. Install the following libraries: They are set up under the assumption that (c) lives on a VM, while (a,b) live on a workstation with a GPU that is accessible via SSH. sudo apt-get install npm nodejs npm install (if using anaconda, you may need to use the following commands: conda install nomkl numpy scipy scikit-learn numexpr conda remove mkl mkl-service )
#1. Prepare postgresql databse sudo apt-get install postgresql libpq-dev postgresql-client postgresql-client-common #Install posetgresql with online installer sudo -i -u postgres #goes into postgres default user psql postgres #enter the postgres interface create role mircs WITH LOGIN superuser password 'XXX'; #create the admin for this webapp. make sure this password is also reflected in db.js/db_pw alter role mircs superuser; #ensure we are sudo create database mircs with owner mircs; #create the webapp's database \q #quit psql mircs -h -d mircs < node_modules/connect-pg-simple/table.sql #prepare the database for connect-pg-simple middlware psql mircs -h -d mircs #log into the database with the admin credentials create table images (_id bigserial primary key, image_path varchar, syn_name varchar, click_path json, answers json, generations bigint); #create a table that will point to all the images in the webapp create table image_count (_id bigserial primary key,num_images bigint, current_generation bigint, iteration_generation bigint, generations_per_epoch bigint); #create a table that holds the number of images we are working with (for random selection later on) create table cnn (_id bigserial primary key, sixteen_baseline_accuracy float, nineteen_baseline_accuracy float, sixteen_attention_accuracy float, nineteen_attention_accuracy float, epochs bigint, date varchar); #create a table that will track some fun stuff for the website, like consecutive clicks create table clicks (_id bigserial primary key, high_score float, date timestamp with time zone); #create a table that will track some fun stuff for the website, like consecutive clicks create table users (_id bigserial primary key, cookie varchar unique, name varchar, score float, email varchar, last_click_time timestamp with time zone); #user table \q # Exit sql exit # Exit sql user
#2. Initialize images into the database python
======= #3. Run the CNN guess server (preferrably in a screen): cd guess_server python
#4. (THIS IS CURRENTLY RUN FROM URLMAP WITH NODE-SCHEDULER. DISREGARD.)Run a cron job to keep CNN accuracies updated for the "What's the point" page chmod +x crontab -e 0 0 * * * /path/to/ #Runs the script daily
x8 / pclpslabserrecit3 setup
We currently run the webservice under (VM3) and the CNN guess server under Opening a remote tunnel from x8 to VM3, run on x8:
autossh -M 20000 -R 7777:localhost:7777 -N
(TODO: Drew: Why did you use monitor port 20000 on autossh? Sven: Because I'm crazy like that.)
From the guess_server, images are expected to be in ../images. On x8, this folder is symlinked to /media/data_gluster/attention/dc_webapp/images. To synchronize the image dataset from VM3 to x8, run on x8:
rsync -avz /media/data_gluster/attention/dc_webapp/
If something goes wrong on the guess server (i.e. returns HTTP status 500), you can uncomment in
app.debug = True
To test whether the guess_server is reachable on VM3 at all, you can run e.g. on VM3:
wget localhost:7777/guess
which will return a 500 because of missing parameters, but should at least reach some kind of server. If you cannot open the remote tunnel because the port is in use, try killing any lingering sshd processes and restart the ssh daemon.