Bitcluster is a simple wrapper for Crypto-JS that makes client-side encryption painless, and validation easier.
npm install --save bitcluster
To encrypt:
// using node
var Bitcluster = require('bitcluster')
// or React:
import Bitcluster from 'bitcluster';
var obj = {
data: 'whatever data you'd like to encrypt',
key: 'your super secret password'
var res = Bitcluster.encrypt(obj)
// returns:
pub_key: 'The public key',
priv_key: 'The private key',
hash: 'The hash used to verify contents when decrypting'
To decrypt:
// using node
var Bitcluster = require('bitcluster')
// or React:
import Bitcluster from 'bitcluster';
var obj = {
pub_key: 'The public key',
priv_key: 'The private key',
hash: 'The hash used to verify contents when decrypting',
pass: 'super secret password'
var res = Bitcluster.decrypt(obj)
// returns:
data: 'whatever you encrypted',
status: 'OK'
It's as simple as that: completely client-side encryption.