Disclaimer: Although vBully makes it laughably easy to hack & crack vBulletin passwords, the intention of this project is to (hopefully) pursuade vBulletin forum admins affected by the ForumRunner exploit to switch to something a little less awful. I take no responsibility for whatever illegal things you may do with this. Have fun :)
vBully is an auto-exploiter for the ForumRunner vulnerability (CVE-2016-6195). This work is based on the work of Manish Kishan Tanwar AKA error1046 (https://twitter.com/IndiShell1046). This tool has the expanded ability to parse the results post-SQL-Injection and grab the dumped user table hashes. It then saves the hashes to a file and proceeds to crack (dictionary attack) the password hashes based on the md5(md5(password).salt)
formula used by vBulletin.
vBully v.2.0.0
vbully -u http://example.com/forums -c -w rockyou.txt -o example
vbully -u http://example.com/forums -d 3 -o example
-d Dump Mode (Default: 2)
[1] Enumerate Tables
[2] Dump User Table
[3] Dump User Email Addresses
-u URL
-c Crack hashes (must provide -w <wordlist>)
-w Specify wordlist (decompressed)
-o Write results to file (provide file base name)
To install:
gem install gibberish mechanize colorize
Depends on Ruby v2.3 or higher.