
Ractive React Riot & Redux Counters Example. Also utilises bootstrap, babel, immutable, and webpack.

Running the app

To start the development server with hot reloading enabled, simply run

npm start

Folder structure

+-- ractive
|	app.html
|	app.js
|	+-- components
|	|	CounterLabel.js
|	|	EventButton.js
|	|	+-- views
|	|	|	counter-label.html
|	|	|	event-button.html
+-- react
|	AppContainer.jsx
|	index.jsx
|	+-- components
|	|	CounterLabel.jsx
|	|	EventButton.jsx
+-- redux
|	counters.js
|	store.js
+-- riot
|	main.js
|	riot-app.tag
|	+-- tags
|	|	counter-label.tag
|	|	event-button.tag

Deploying the app

To deploy the app to gh-pages, there are a couple of steps to follow.

  1. Run webpack command. This will create a bundle.js and bundle.js.map file in the dist folder.
  2. Delete everything except dist folder.
  3. Empty contents of dist folder to root directory.
  4. Commit and push to gh-pages.