
A web API for tracking asteroids, meteors, and other objects near the Earth

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status

Asteroid Tracker

This Web API allows users to search NASA's database for objects close to Earth's orbit.

Getting started

  • Clone or fork the repository.
  • Set the environment variable NASA_KEY with your NASA API key.
  • Run yarn
  • Make sure that MongoDB is installed and the server is running.
    • You can optionally set the environment variable MONGO_PORT to whichever port your Mongo server is listening. The default is 27017.
  • Seed the database with data from NASA's API by running npm run fetch_neos.
  • Start the server with npm run serve.
  • Run the tests with npm test.

Technologies Employed

  • Express
    • The choice of Express for a simple, lightweight API server felt natural.
    • The un-opinionated and tabula-rasa-oriented approach of the node server presents a good opportunity to demonstrate my own sense of application structure.
    • The combination of server-side Javascript with MongoDB's BSON brings with it a certain feeling of consistency.
    • I had been trained in Express, but it had been a while since I had worked with it. I wanted to take an opportunity to revisit the framework.
  • MongoDB
    • MongoDB's ability to store and work with a variety of data types makes it a beneficial tool for the assignment. Mongo's abilities to perform bulk writes and aggregates were particularly useful in saving API data and grouping asteroids by date.
  • Mongoose
    • I included this ORM for simple document validations and for better code maintainability through built-in CRUD-related methods.
  • Mocha with Chai
    • Testing is always essential, and these are two proven tools.
    • Chai provides useful tools for acceptance testing in addition to its human-readable syntax.