
This is a tool for calculating and displaying monetary values in multiple currencies.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

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Currency Chameleon

This is a simple currency tool for converting, calculating, and comparing monetary values between currencies.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'currency_chameleon', git: 'git://github.com/drewmoore/currency_chameleon'

And then execute:

$ bundle


First, you will need to setup a table of conversion rates between currencies. For example:

  'EUR', 'USD' => 1.05507, 'Bitcoin' => 0.00137

Then, you can instantiate a new CurrencyChameleon::Money object in a currency:

euros = CurrencyChameleon::Money.new(23, 'EUR')

To simply return the amount:

euros.amount # => 23

or return the currency:

euros.currency # => "EUR"

You can also convert the amount to a secondary currency, which returns a new money instance:

dollars = euros.convert_to('USD') # => 24.27 USD
dollars.currency # => "USD"

Money objects can perform mathematical operations between currencies, returning an instance in base currency:

dollars = CurrencyChameleon::Money.new(47, 'USD')
euros   = CurrencyChameleon::Money.new(12, 'EUR')
total   = dollars + euros # => 59.66 USD

total.class # => CurrencyChameleon::Money

Money objects can also be compared against each other with any operator:

euros    = CurrencyChameleon::Money.new(2, 'EUR')
bitcoins = CurrencyChameleon::Money.new(2, 'Bitcoin')

euros == bitcoins # => false
euros > bitcoins  # => false
euros < bitcoins  # => true


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.