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Namespaces are "mini vaults" where data, policies, mounts, etc are all managed separately. namespace_create.yml reads a config file that defines each namespaces and creates / configures them all. We allow for variable secret interpolation in all config files. This allows you to perform lookups for secrets, including but not limited to hashi_vault.

Implemented and tested functionality:

Auth Methods:

  • Azure

Secret Engines:

  • Azure
  • Database
  • KV


  1. pip install ansible hvac ansible-modules-hashivault (consider using --user or a virtualenv)
  2. ansible via python 3.7

Setup a dev environment

  1. install vault locally
  2. start a dev server:
vault server -dev
export VAULT_ADDR=
export VAULT_TOKEN=root


  • set the vars_files to include your config file or set namespace_config_file to the path to your file
  • set environment variables:

Note: you can set these at the play level in your playbook


After configuring your yaml file (details below), to run the playbook simply execute:

ansible-playbook namespace_create.yml -e namespace_config_file=<path to your namespace yaml definition>
ansible-playbook namespace_create.yml # uses the config/namespace_config.yml example file included

Config YAML

Example of 3 namespace definitions:

  • root
  • namespace_1 (effectively a child of root)
  • namespace_1/child_1

    policies: default,ns_admin

    policies: default, secret_rw
        - mount_type: kv
          mount_name: secret
            version: 2
        - auth_type: azure
          roles: azure_role
          auth_config: azure_config
        - auth_type: approle
          roles: template

    policies: default, secret_rw
        - mount_type: kv
          mount_name: secret
            version: 2
        - auth_type: azure
          roles: azure_role
          auth_config: azure_config
        - auth_type: approle
          roles: template

auths: (dict, optional) - enable and configure auth methods

auth shared variables

  • auth_type: (string, req) - type of auth method
  • auth_name: (string, opt) - name of mount_point. defaults to auth_type
  • mount_config: (dict, opt) - configuration of auth method mount. choices: default_lease_ttl, max_lease_ttl, force_no_cache, token_type


  • all shared variables
  • auth_config: (file, opt) - further configuration of auth method. refers to a file name in auths/<auth_type>/config/filename.json. '/'s will be treated as a further directory
  • roles: (string, opt) - refers to a filename in auths/<auth_type>/roles/filename.json

config example:

$ cat auths/azure/config/template.json
    "resource": "",
    "tenant_id": "",
    "client_id": "",
    "client_secret": "{{ lookup('hashi_vault', 'secret=secret/data/az-auth-secret validate_certs=false')['data']['password'] }}"

role example:

$ cat auths/azure/roles/template.json
    "policies": ["test"],
    "bound_resource_groups": [""],
    "bound_subscription_ids": [""]

engines: (dict, optional) enable a secret engine in the namespace. currently tested: kv, azure, database. some options must be set per engine type (see below)

engine shared variables

  • mount_type: (string, req) - type of secret engine
  • mount_name: (string, opt) - name of mount_point. defaults to mount_type
  • mount_config: (dict, opt) - configuration of secret engine mount. choices: default_lease_ttl, max_lease_ttl, force_no_cache


  • all shared variables
  • options: (dict, opt) - currently can only take 1 value version (string): choices "1" or "2"


  • all shared variables
  • engine_config: (file, opt) - further configuration of secret engine. refers to a file name in engines/<mount_type>/config/filename.json. '/'s will be treated as a further directory
  • roles: (string, opt) - refers to a filename in engines/<mount_type>/roles/filename.json

config example:

$ cat engines/azure/config/template.json
    "subscription_id": "",
    "client_id": "",
    "client_secret": "{{ lookup('hashi_vault', 'secret=secret/data/az-eng-secret validate_certs=false')['data']['password'] }}",
    "tenant_id": ""

role example:

$ cat engines/azure/roles/template.json
    "azure_role": "[{ 'role_name': 'Contributor','scope': '/subscriptions/'}]"


  • all shared variables
  • engine_config: (file, opt) - further configuration of secret engine. refers to a file name in engines/<mount_type>/config/filename.json. '/'s will be treated as a further directory
  • roles: (string, opt) - refers to a filename in engines/<mount_type>/roles/filename.json

config example:

$ cat engines/database/config/template.json
    "plugin_name": "postgresql-database-plugin",
    "allowed_roles": [""],
    "username": "@",
    "password": "",
    "connection_url": "postgresql://{{'{{username}}'}}:{{'{{password}}'}}"

role example:

$ cat engines/database/roles/template.json
    "creation_statements": [],
    "revocation_statements": [],
    "rollback_statements": [],
    "db_name": "" <-- needs to match the connection name you created. eg. `roles`

policies: (string, optional)

  • comma-separated list of all policies to write to this namespace. this looks for policies/policy.hcl files and will name the policy the file name minus *.hcl. default will always write (is required to be in policies/).

associations: (list with nested dict, optional)

  • define which policies will be associated with specific auth paths. example, the ldap group "group_1" is getting the "secret_rw" policy. policies can also be comman-separated

Version 2.0 graveyard (work in progress)

these features from 1.0 likely will not work. working to fix this

policy associations

ldap: (bool, optional)

  • true will look for files/ldap.json and enable and ldap auth method in namespace this will be moved to auths one day


  • mount_name (string, req)
  • max_ttl: (string, opt, default('50m'))
  • default_ttl: (string, opt, default('5m'))
  • ca_int: (bool, opt) - setup pki as intermediate CA, not implemented yet