
Go Key Value Store

Primary LanguageGo


KVD is a in-memory key-value store and CLI client.

Major features:

  • REST API offering single key access or multiple key operations following a straightforward API.
  • CLI kv built using Cobra CLI framework offering the ability to set, get, or delete one or many keys in the key store.
  • Metrics subsystem presents: keys stored, # set ops, # get ops, # delete ops, and size of total data stored in the key, value store.

To Build:


Here is an example of basic usage

$ ./kv serve &
[1] 88547
Kvd started. Press ctrl-c to stop.                                                                                                                                                                                                      

$ ./kv set cake=🎂 horns=😈 smiley=😁
Keys set

$ ./kv get cake horns smiley
cake: 🎂
horns: 😈
smiley: 😁

$ ./kv metrics
Keys Stored: 3
Bytes Stored (Values): 60
Set Operations: 3
Get Operations: 3
Delete Operations: 0

$ ./kv del horns

$ ./kv metrics
Keys Stored: 2
Bytes Stored (Values): 40
Set Operations: 3
Get Operations: 3
Delete Operations: 1

Tests pass, but currently service needs to be running.

$ ./kv serve &
$ make test


  • In-memory KV Store API Service
  • Command Line Client to interact with Service
  • Tests
  • README containing design and instructions on how to run

Functional Requirements

  • Keys can be any string, values any binary data.
  • Key Value code should be original
  • CLI can be used to get or set the value for a single key from the server.
  • CLI supports setting multiple (key, values) in a single call
  • CLI can obtain values for multiple keys in a single call
  • CLI can be used to delete one or more keys in a single call
  • CLI can be used to obtain metrics data from the server, including:
    • Total number of keys stored
    • Total size of all values
    • Total number of get, set, and delete operations on keys
  • Operations on different keys should have minimal contention.
    • Partially complete - A BulkSet (which is default on multiple key update) will share a single mutex lock.
  • Support updating all keys or none if they can't all be updated (no partial updates)
    • Could use rollback (described under "Thoughts for future improvement")
  • Highly concurrent
    • Could use fasthttp based (described under "Thoughts for future improvement")
  • Optimize for read-heavy workflow

Test Cases to Implement

  • Test invalid input to set
  • Delete non-existent key
  • Get non-existent key
  • Set non-existent key
  • Set existing (overwrite) key
  • API get single key
  • API get multiple keys
  • API set single key
  • API set multiple keys
  • API del single key
  • API del multiple keys
  • Basic Metrics test
  • Metrics add key / delete key test
  • Serve test
  • Serve daemonize test
  • Serve shutdown test

Thoughts for future improvement

  • More Cleanup and Test Cases:

    • Effort: S
    • Better error handling
      • Print deleted keys
      • Error handling showing key
    • Add better logging on server
    • Finished Planned Test Cases
  • For performance improvement:

    • Effort: M
    • Create benchmark to drive performance improvements using go test -bench
    • Switch API to using fasthttp based HTTP implementation (perhaps fiber framework)
      • Should improve on "highly concurrent" requirement
  • Transaction support:

    • Effort: M
    • Perform mutex locking by transaction - write transaction vs. read transaction
    • Keep audit log of old values and support rollback functionality on failure
    • Store commit records and do basic validation that commits can be done before committing
  • Infrastructure and misc:

    • Effort: S
    • Support reading from file based config using Viper, remove references to localhost
    • Docker and kubernetes deployment?
    • Support maximum size limit to
  • TTL LRU caching

    • Effort: S
    • Add TTL tracking and eviction for records older then TTL