
Experimental typesafe deep learning in Scala

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


A prototype of a typeful & typesafe deep learning system that strives to be different

A simple neural network for learning the XOR function can be found here.

Building a typesafe XOR network:

  class In;     val In = new In          
  class Hidden; val Hidden = new Hidden
  class Out;    val Out = new Out      // tensor axis labels declared as types and singletons

  val x = Input[FloatTensor[In]]()     // input vectors
  val y = Input[FloatTensor[Out]]()    // gold labels

  val ŷ = x                       |>   // type: Expr[FloatTensor[In]]
    Affine(In -> 2, Hidden -> 2)  |>   // type: Expr[FloatTensor[Hidden]]
    Sigmoid                       |>   // type: Expr[FloatTensor[Hidden]]
    Affine(Hidden -> 2, Out -> 2) |>   // type: Expr[FloatTensor[Out]]
    Softmax                            // type: Expr[FloatTensor[Out]]
  val loss = (y, ŷ) |> CrossEntropy    // type: Expr[Float]

Design goals:

  • Typeful. Each axis of a tensor is statically typed using tuples. For example, an image is typed as FloatTensor[(Width, Height, Channel)], whereas an embedded sentence is typed as FloatTensor[(Word, Embedding)]. This frees programmers from remembering what each axis stands for.
  • Typesafe. Very strong static type checking to eliminate most bugs at compile time.
  • Never, ever specify axis index again. For things like reduce_sum(x, axis=1), write x |> SumAlong(AxisName).
  • Mixing differentiable code with non-differentiable code.
  • Automatic typeclass derivation: Differentiation through any case class (product type).
  • Versatile switching between eager and lazy evaluation.
  • [TODO] Automatic batching over sequences/trees (Neubig, Goldberg, Dyer, NIPS 2017). Free programmers from the pain of manual batching.
  • [TODO] GPU Acceleration. Reuse Torch C++ core through Swig (bindings).
  • [TODO] Multiple backends. Torch / MXNet / ?
  • [TODO] Automatic operator fusion for optimization.
  • [TODO] Typesafe higher-order gradients.


Please cite this in academic work as

Tongfei Chen (2017): Typesafe Abstractions for Tensor Operations. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Scala, pp. 45-50.

 author = {Chen, Tongfei},
 title = {Typesafe Abstractions for Tensor Operations (Short Paper)},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Scala},
 series = {SCALA 2017},
 year = {2017},
 pages = {45--50},
 url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/3136000.3136001},
 doi = {10.1145/3136000.3136001}