
PureScript Session Management

Primary LanguagePureScript


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Documentation is available on Pursuit.

This library provides tools to manage sessions in PureScript. It makes the assumption that your session data is JSON-serializable (using the Argonaut EncodeJson and DecodeJson type classes). Two session stores are provided: Cookie and Memory.

Session provides 4 basic functions: create, get, set and destroy.

  • create takes a SessionStore and your session data and returns a Cookie representing your new session.
  • get takes a SessionStore and a Cookie and returns your session data, if available.
  • set takes a SessionStore, your session data and your current session Cookie. It returns a new session Cookie.
  • destroy takes a SessionStore and your session Cookie and returns a new, empty session Cookie.

Session Stores

Cookie Store

The Cookie session store uses libsodium to encrypt and decrypt session data directly in the cookie. You'll need to install the npm package libsodium-wrappers:

npm install libsodium-wrappers

You create a Cookie store by calling Biscotti.Session.cookieStore with a name for your session cookie and a libsodium-compatible secret, hex encoded.

import Biscotti.Session as Session

let store = Session.cookieStore "_my_app" "724b092810ec86d7e35c9d067702b31ef90bc43a7b598626749914d6a3e033ed"

Note: This is an example secret. Please don't commit your production secret to your git repo or post it on the internet. Also, please don't use this secret as it is already posted on the internet. It's literally right above this paragraph and you're reading this on the internet.

Memory Store

The Memory session store uses an in-memory map to store sessions. This is primarily for development purposes as it will not persist sessions across multiple application servers. You'll need to install two npm packages to generate UUIDs:

npm install uuid uuid-validate

You create a Memory store by calling Biscotti.Session.memoryStore with a name for your session cookie. Note that this returns a Effect SessionStore because it requires initializing a Ref.

import Biscotti.Session as Session

launchAff_ do
  store <- liftEffect $ Session.memoryStore "_my_app"

Running the tests

spago test


Make sure the CI build will pass before opening a pull request:

npm run ci
