
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Would you like create tasty burgers and the digitally devour them...sure. Mostly this app demonstrates creating, reading and updating items dynamically from a mySQL database using handlebars to display the html

Live Link



TO use the app visit the home page with the link that is provided below to create and devour burgers.


  • Modularity in the form of separate files for server logic, configuration of database connection and ORM, models, routing and views
  • User interface that displays burgers to eat, devoured burgers and a form to create new burgers
  • Use express, body-parser, express-handlebars and mySQL npm packages in the server.js file
  • Appropriate GET , POST and PUT routes for serving HTML pages and making modifications to the mySQL database

Technologies Utilized

  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • node.js
  • Express.js
  • Handlebars
  • mySQL
  • HTML
  • Bootstrap

Code Explanation

  • My server.js file sets up the Express server, specifying our port number both for use on a local host or heroku live site, the npm packages that need to be loaded, and also the routes, which we have externalized
  • The handlebars files main and index are used to dynamically display information pulled from a mySQL database
  • My orm.js file sets up all of the mySQL queries and accepts variable from the user interface to display and update the database
  • My models folder burgers.js sets up a burger object that defines the callback function that is passed to orm.js
  • My routing files (burger_controller.js) determines the back-end logic (based on the request being made, the response that gets sent to the browser);
  • When the Eat Me button is displayed the burgers devoured state is change from false to true and the burger is resdisplayed in the devoured burger list
  • When a new burger is created using the form, its devoured state is set to false and the burger is displayed in the Burger to Eat list
  • A modal is then toggled, displaying the the best match to the person who just took the survey