
Repo for generating PDFs that can be sent to book publisher via API

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DrewRoberts.eth Books

Repo for generating PDFs that can be sent to book publisher via API..

The book will be titled "NFT Collection" with a dynamic subtitle depending on Co-author: "A gallery of the VICE.eth collection of NFTs in 2024"

Ordering Process

To generate the book content, the online process flow will allow the co-author to enter the following:

  • ENS or First & Last Name
  • Email address for account registration
  • Wallet addresses containing NFTs to include in book
  • Statement swearing that the wallet addresses are owned by co-author & they are liable for any NFT trademark infringements
  • Selector page of all NFTs to highlight in the tabletop book
  • NFT Placements - Cover (1-9 NFTs), Chapter assignments & order
  • Co-author bio for back cover
  • Optional Book Forword, Preface & Introduction
  • Payment Instructions for ISBN registration & Sample copy
  • Address to mail sample copy
  • Etherscan Transaction ID for token transfer for payment
  • Webpage generated for book with additional payment option to list on Amazon or bulk order copies


  • Introduction to NFTs
  • 2024 NFT Landscape
  • History of NFTs
  • Ethereum NFTs
  • ERC-721 NFTs
  • ERC-1155 NFTs
  • Ethscription NFTs
  • ERC-6551 NFTs
  • Ordinals
  • Solana NFTs
  • Cardano NFTs
  • Popular NFT Communities
  • Drew Roberts Web3 Journey
  • Co-Author Web3 Journey
  • NFTs of the Future


Book Printing API

Utilize Blurb's Print API Software:

Ethereum API


Take content & generate in different @print PDFs: