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An introduction to relational databases


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Please remember that demonstrations are to take notes, code alongs are to write code with the instructor, and practices are to write code with the support of the instructional team.


By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  • Create a database table
  • Insert a row or rows into a database table
  • Retrieve a row or rows from a database table
  • Modify a database table after creation
  • Update a row or rows in a database table
  • Delete a row or rows from a database table



At it's simplest, a relational database is a mechanism to store and retrieve data in a tabular form.

Spreadsheets are a good analogy. Individual sheets as tables and the whole spreadsheet as a database. See this link for an example.

Why is this important?

Database tables are a good place to store key/value pairs, as long as the values are simple types (e.g. string, number). The keys are the column names and the values are stored in each row. That maps well to simple JSON objects. A group of rows from one table maps well to a JSON array.

What about more complicated data?

Database tables can reference other tables which allows arbitrary nesting of groups of simple types. This is something we'll be looking at more closely later.

Relational database management system (RDBMS)

A Database Server is a set of processes and files that manage the databases that store the tables. Sticking with our previous analogy a database server would map to Google Sheets.

Verb equivalence

CRUD (create, read, update and delete), SQL, and HTTP



We'll be using PostgreSQL, a popular open source database server, which should already be installed on your computer.

On Macs, you'll see the PostgreSQL elephant in the task bar if the server is running: PostgreSQL on Mac

If the server isn't running, please start it from the /Applications folder.

Create a database

Code along

We'll use sql-crud as the database to hold our tables and psql to interact with it. psql is PostgreSQL's command line client which lets us execute SQL commands interactively (REPL-like) and from scripts. It also has some built in commands we'll find useful.

$ psql sql-crud
psql: FATAL:  database "sql-crud" does not exist

But first we need to create the database. We'll use the CREATE DATABASE command from within psql. This is a SQL (Structure Query Language - see also the Wikipedia article) command and requires that we wrap the database name in double quotes (i.e. create database "sql-crud";). A - is not allowed as a name character in SQL unless the name is surrounded with double-quotes.

If we want to remove a database - be careful, this is unrecoverable - we use the DROP DATABASE command.

If we run psql without a parameter it will connect to our default database, usually named with our login.

$ psql
psql (9.4.5)
Type "help" for help.

and=> CREATE DATABASE "sql-crud";

Once we've created the database we can access it using the psql built-in command \c (for connect):

and=> \c sql-crud
You are now connected to database "sql-crud" as user "and".

Or we can access it from the command line using the psql command and passing the database name as an argument:

$ psql sql-crud
psql (9.4.5)
Type "help" for help.


psql has help for both its built-in commands and for SQL.

psql (9.4.5)
Type "help" for help.

sql-crud=> help
You are using psql, the command-line interface to PostgreSQL.
Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
       \h for help with SQL commands
       \? for help with psql commands
       \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
       \q to quit

Let's look at some of the help for psql commands.

  • \l lists all the databases created on the server we're connected to.
  • \d (and its variations) shows information about the objects in the current database.
  • \i reads commands from a file

Creating tables

We create a table to define the names and types of the data we want to store about an object.

PostgreSQL's documentation is extensive and excellent, and we'll want to make use of it throughout the lesson.

  • Table basics - a brief overview of tables in an RDBMS.
  • Data Types - the data types available in PostgreSQL.
  • CREATE TABLE - detailed documentation of PostgreSQL's version of the SQL CREATE TABLE command.
  • DROP TABLE - detailed documentation of PostgreSQL's version of the SQL DROP TABLE command.

Note well, DROP TABLE is unrecoverable if it executes successfully.


We'll create a table to hold people. By convention (the one we'll use throughout), tables are named with the pluralization of the name of the object whose data they hold. So, if each row is the data for a person, then the table is called people. By another convention, each table will have an id column that uniquely identifies each row. We'll use the first line of data/people.csv for the rest of the column names.

What data-types should we use for each column?

We'll save the SQL statement to create the people table in create_table/people.sql. We can execute the commands in the file using psql -f <file> or from the psql prompt using \i <file>.

Code along

Together, we'll create a table to hold information about cities. We'll use the first row of data/cities.csv for the column names.

What data-types should we use for each column?

We'll save the statement in create_table/cities.sql


Create a table to hold information about pets using the first row of data/pets.csv for the names of the columns other than id. Use create_table/cities.sql to store the SQL statement.

Once you've created the table pets, create the table people from the demonstration.

Adding rows to a table

  • Inserting Data - overview of adding rows to a table.
  • INSERT - detailed documentation of PostgreSQL's version of the SQL INSERT INTO command.
  • COPY - detailed documentation of PostgreSQL's COPY command for loading data in bulk.

For inserting bulk data, PostgreSQL provides the COPY command. We won't use that command directly, as it executes relative to the server installation, rather we'll use psql's meta-command \copy allowing us to load data relative to where we run psql. Bulk loading is something available with most RDBMSs, but the specific commands and capabilities vary.


First we'll use variations of INSERT to add a few rows to people. We'll store the the commands in insert_into/people.sql.

Note that string literals in SQL statements are delimited by single quotes, i.e. '. To include a single quote in a string literal, double it, e.g. 'That''s interesting'. This is not an issue when loading from a valid CSV file using PostgreSQL's COPY command or psql's \copy command.

Next we'll load data in bulk from data/people.csv using \copy. We'll store that command in bulk_load/people.psql

Code along

Together we'll add a few rows to cities then we'll bulk load data/cities.csv.


Add a pet to the pets table using INSERT then bulk load data/pets.csv.

Next add a person to the people table using INSERT then bulk load data/people.csv.

Retrieving rows from a table

This is about the query part of Structured Query Language. Query statements can run from almost trivial to highly complex. They provide a mechanism to retrieve and summarize the data in your database.

  • Queries - TOC of the Queries section of PostgreSQL's documentation for The SQL Language
  • SELECT - detailed documentation of PostgreSQL's version of the SQL SELECT command.


Let's see some what we can learn about the people in the database.

Code along

Together we'll build a query to get the count of cities by country.


Write a query to get the count of animals by kind born before 2010.

Then write a query to count people by height.

Changing the structure of a table

  • Modifying Tables - overview of changing tables.
  • ALTER TABLE - detailed documentation of PostgreSQL's version of the SQL ALTER TABLE command.


We'll remove the column height from people.

Code along

We'll change the type of the columns longitude and latitude.


Add the column weight to pets then remove the column height from people.

Changing the data in rows in a table

  • Updating Data - overview of changing rows
  • UPDATE - detailed documentation of PostgreSQL's version of the SQL UPDATE command.


We'll update some people's weight.

Code along

Let's update some cities population.


Update weight for pets then people.

Removing rows from a table

  • Deleting Data - overview of removing rows from a table
  • DELETE - detailed documentation of PostgreSQL's version of the SQL DELETE command.
  • TRUNCATE - detailed documentation of PostgreSQL's TRUNCATE command.


We'll remove a few people from the database.

Note, TRUNCATE <table name> is functionally equivalent to DELETE FROM <table name>, it will remove all the rows from the table.

Code along

Let's remove the cities that don't have a region.


Remove pets born before 1996 then people taller than 6 feet.
