
Equella integration Web Components for the uPortal ecosystem

Primary LanguageVue

Equella Web components

Equella integration Web Components for the uPortal ecosystem.

You will need Node 8+ and Git 1+ to use this project.

Using the Build System

Initial Setup

After cloning, run the following command once to download project dependencies.

npm install

Run Locally

Use the following command to start the application locally for development and testing.

npm run serve

Build for Deployment

Use the following command to build Equella Web components for distribution and deployment in uPortal.

npm run build

Running in uPortal

After building, copy all the files in the dist/ directory into uPortal-start/overlays/uPortal/src/main/webapp (or other location served by Tomcat).

📓 At some point this project will build to a Maven artifact that can be bundled with uPortal-start independantly.


Equella Search Results

Displays the results of a pre-configured search query attractively in the portal.

Sample HTML

Define a SimpleCMS portlet with HTML content like the following:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@2.5.16"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/uPortal/equella.js"></script>
<equella-search-results msg="Equella Searching Demo" search-result-types="mini courses" base-url="https://equella.unicon.net/demo-oa18-up-eq-integ" collection-id="1ffa9507-4313-4f4f-9f6c-b923a897c515" result-icon="_THUMBS/promo.jpeg_PREVIEW_.jpeg" result-landing-page="index.html"/>

Equella Image Carousel

Displays an image carousel in the portal using attachments created and managed in Equella.

Sample HTML

Define a SimpleCMS portlet with HTML content like the following:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@2.5.16"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/uPortal/equella.js"></script>
<equella-image-carousel base-url="https://equella.unicon.net/demo-oa18-up-eq-integ" search-tag="EVENT_2017_04_CONCERTS" result-image="_THUMBS/promo.jpeg_PREVIEW_.jpeg" result-landing-page="index.html"/>