
Cognito Demo with Amplify Client Using the CDK

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Cognito Demo with Amplify Client Using the CDK


This AWS CDK sample does the following:

  • Creates a Cognito User Pool with implicit code grant flow.
  • Uses an AwsCustomResource to add a test user to the User Pool.
  • Creates a custom attribute within the User Pool.
  • Creates a lambda function that will return the custom attribute from the Cognito JWT.
  • Secures the lambda using Cognito and the API Gateway.
  • Demonstrates calling the endpoint using AWS Amplify Javascript client.

Build Instructions

  • Install node, AWS CDK, typescript.
  • Within root directory run npm install
  • Within the hello-lambda dir, run npm install
  • Within the amplify-client-test dir run npm install
  • Within the main directory, run npm run build

Demo Instructions

Run CDK deploy

This will output three values:

  • CognitoSample1Stack.CognitoDemoTestURL
  • CognitoSample1Stack.CognitoDemoUserPoolID
  • CognitoSample1Stack.CognitoDemoClientID

Run the Amplify Test client

Use the values from above to run the demo command.

node ./amplify-client-test/index.js [USERPOOLID] [CLIENTID] [TESTURL]

You should see the following output

Authenticating user.
A new password is required
Success authenticating user!
Success calling API!!
{ sampleVal1: 'Hello API!', member_status: 'gold_member_status' }


Please also see the Medium article located here:
