
encoding and decoding for url-encoded binary strings in erlang

Primary LanguageErlang


URL-encoded binary string encoding and decoding for erlang. See eunit tests in eurl.erl for usage examples.


From test suite.

%% decodes percent-encoded values only, leaving html entities
<<"&#31616;&#20307;&#20013;&#25991;">> = eurl:percent_decode(<<"%26%2331616%3B%26%2320307%3B%26%2320013%3B%26%2325991%3B">>),

%% decodes character entity references/unicode codepoints from a percent-decoded string
<<"简体中文">> = eurl:entity_decode(<<"&#31616;&#20307;&#20013;&#25991;">>),

%% shortcut to doing both at once
<<"简体中文">> = eurl:decode(<<"%26%2331616%3B%26%2320307%3B%26%2320013%3B%26%2325991%3B">>.


Unicode implementation test strings were taken from que que's work.