
SL4A (android) python script to check remaining minutes on Virgin Mobile Beyond Talk plans

Primary LanguagePython


SL4A (android) python script to check remaining minutes on Virgin Mobile Beyond Talk plans

This is the code for a project you will soon be able to buy directly from the Android Market. If you'd like to support my efforts, please buy the app there. I chose to make the code public so that other developers can learn from my work, and so you can rest easy knowing that there's no "funny business" going on in this app.

Disclaimer: This project is not supported, endorsed, or at all affiliated with Virgin Mobile.

coming soon

an apk builder, so it can be installed standalone.


The SL4A App, and an installed Python interpreter.


The easiest way to get it on your phone right now is to create a QRCode and scan it in. mk.sh does this. On *nix (requires feh and qrencode installed) run mk.sh, and that will generate and show a QRCode version of the script. Instructions for getting it on your phone.

To transfer the file directly, check cp.sh for my quick hack.


In the SL4A app, click to run vmcheker.py (terminal not required). You can also create a shortcut from the home screen.

supported devices

This has been tested on an Optimus V, but I think it should work on any recent android device. Please let me know if it doesn't work on your device.


Not for commercial use. You may not put this code or any derivative works on any app store.