
IO:: interface for reading/writing a Blob

Primary LanguagePerl 6Artistic License 2.0Artistic-2.0

Build Status


IO::Blob - IO:: interface for reading/writing a Blob


use v6;
use IO::Blob;

my $data = "foo\nbar\n";
my IO::Blob $io = IO::Blob.new($data.encode);

$io.get; # => "foo\n"


$io.seek(0, 0); # rewind

$io.slurp-rest; # => "foo\nbar\nbuz"


IO:: interface for reading/writing a Blob. This class inherited from IO::Handle.

The IO::Blob class implements objects which behave just like IO::Handle objects, except that you may use them to write to (or read from) Blobs.

This module is inspired by IO::Scalar of perl5.


new(Blob $data = Buf.new)

Make a instance. This method is equivalent to open.

my $io = IO::Blob.new("foo\nbar\n".encode);

open(Blob $data = Buf.new)

Make a instance. This method is equivalent to new.

my $io = IO::Blob.open("foo\nbar\n".encode);

new(Str $str)

Make a instance. This method is equivalent to open.

my $io = IO::Blob.new("foo\nbar\n");

open(Str $str)

Make a instance. This method is equivalent to new.

my $io = IO::Blob.open("foo\nbar\n");


Reads a single line from the Blob.

my $io = IO::Blob.open("foo\nbar\n".encode);
$io.get; # => "foo\n"


Read a single character from the Blob.

my $io = IO::Blob.open("foo\nbar\n".encode);
$io.getc; # => "f\n"

lines(IO::Blob:D: $limit = Inf)

Return a lazy list of the Blob's lines read via get, limited to $limit lines.

my $io = IO::Blob.open("foo\nbar\n".encode);
for $io.lines -> $line {
    $line; # 1st: "foo\n", 2nd: "bar\n"


Read a single word (separated on whitespace) from the Blob.

my $io = IO::Blob.open("foo bar\tbuz\nqux".encode);
$io.word; # => "foo "

words(IO::Blob:D: $count = Inf)

Return a lazy list of the Blob's words (separated on whitespace) read via word, limited to $count words.

my $io = IO::Blob.open("foo bar\tbuz\nqux".encode);
for $io.words -> $word {
    $word; # 1st: "foo ", 2nd: "bar\t", 3rd: "buz\n", 4th: "qux"

print(IO::Blob:D: *@text) returns Bool

Text writing; writes the given @text to the Blob.

read(IO::Blob:D: Int(Cool:D) $bytes)

Binary reading; reads and returns $bytes bytes from the Blob.

write(IO::Blob:D: Blob:D $buf)

Binary writing; writes $buf to the Blob.

seek(IO::Blob:D: int $offset, int $whence)

Move the pointer (that is the position at which any subsequent read or write operations will begin,) to the byte position specified by $offset relative to the location specified by $whence which may be one of:

  • 0

The beginning of the file.

  • 1

The current position in the file.

  • 2

The end of the file.

tell(IO::Blob:D:) returns Int

Returns the current position of the pointer in bytes.

ins(IO::Blob:D:) returns Int

Returns the number of lines read from the file.

slurp-rest(IO::Blob:D: :$bin!) returns Buf

Return the remaining content of the Blob from the current position (which may have been set by previous reads or by seek.) If the adverb :bin is provided a Buf will be returned.

slurp-rest(IO::Blob:D: :$enc = 'utf8') returns Str

Return the remaining content of the Blob from the current position (which may have been set by previous reads or by seek.) Return will be a Str with the optional encoding :enc.


Returns Bool::True if the read operations have exhausted the content of the Blob;


Will close a previously opened Blob.


Returns Bool::True if the Blob is closed.


Returns the current Blob.


IO::Scalar of perl5


moznion moznion@gmail.com


  • mattn

  • shoichikaji


Copyright 2015 moznion moznion@gmail.com

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.