
Bindings to the CommonMark C library

Primary LanguagePerl 6

Build Status


Interface to the libcmark CommonMark parser.

Native library notes

This module uses native library, so in order to use it, you need either build the library or install it using pre-built package. For GNU/Linux distributions the most natural way to do so it so search for libcmark package in appropriate distribution repository and install if the package is already there.


use CommonMark;

say CommonMark.to-html("Hello, world!");
# "<p>Hello, world!</p>"

say CommonMark.version-string;
# 0.28.3


CommonMark is Markdown with a proper spec - It should render most Markdown files the same; it nails down some edge cases, and specifies byte encodings.

You'll want to call .to-html($text) to convert markdown to HTML. The library itself also supports XML, LaTeX, and nroff/troff formats, but I haven't seen where it's tested. Check out the Perl 6 source for more details there.

CommonMark class


  • to-html( $common-mark )

Return HTML from CommonMark format. This is likely the only method you'll use. There's a lower-level interface that'll let you interrogate the library at the individual node level, look at the source for more inspiration.

  • version()

Returns a 32-bit int containing the version number.

From the documetation:

* Bits 16-23 contain the major version.
* Bits 8-15 contain the minor version.
* Bits 0-7 contain the patchlevel.
  • version-string()

Returns the library version in text form.

  • parse-document( Str $buffer, int32 $options )

Returns a CommonMark::Node root of the document.

CommonMark::Node class

  • new( :$type )

Create a new CommonMark node with the specified type - this isn't well-documented in the library, so please read the source.

  • next()

Return this node's successor in the multiply-linked list

  • previous()

Return this node's predecessor in the multiply-linked list

  • parent()

Return this node's parent in the multiply-linked list

  • first-child()

Return this node's first child within the multiply-linked list

  • last-child()

Return this node's last child within the multiply-linked list

  • user-data()

Return this node's user data (generic pointer)

  • user-data( Pointer $ptr )

Set user data pointer

  • type()

Return this node's type number

  • type-string()

Return this node's type as a string

  • literal()

Return this node's literal string

  • literal( Str $str )

Set this node's literal string

  • heading-level()

Return this node's heading level

  • heading-level( int32 $level )

Set this node's heading level

  • list-type()

Return this node's list type

  • list-type( int32 $level )

Set this node's list type

  • list-delim()

Return this node's list delimiter

  • list-delim( int32 $level )

Set this node's list delimiter

  • list-start()

Return this node's list start

  • list-start( int32 $level )

Set this node's list start

  • list-tight()

Return this node's list tightness

  • list-tight( int32 $level )

Set this node's list tightness

  • fence-info()

Return this node's fence information

  • fence-info( Str $info )

Set this node's fence information

  • url()

Return this node's URL content

  • url( Str $url )

Set this node's URL content

  • title()

Return this node's title

  • title( Str $title )

Set this node's title

  • on-enter()

Return this node's on-enter string

  • on-enter( Str $title )

Set this node's on-enter string

  • on-exit()

Return this node's on-exit string

  • on-exit( Str $title )

Set this node's on-exit string

  • start-line()

Return this node's starting line

  • start-column()

Return this node's starting column

  • end-line()

Return this node's end line

  • end-column()

Return this node's end column

  • unlink()

Unlink this node from the tree.

  • insert-before( CommonMark::Node $node )

Insert $node before this node

  • insert-after( CommonMark::Node $node )

Insert $node after this node

  • replace( CommonMark::Node $node )

Replace this node with $node

  • prepend-child( CommonMark::Node $node )

Prepend $node below this node

  • append-child( CommonMark::Node $node )

Append $node below this node

  • consolidate-text-nodes()

Consolidate the text nodes in this node

  • render-xml( int32 $options )

Render this node as XML, with the appropriate options $options

  • render-html( int32 $options )

Render this node as HTML, with the appropriate options $options

  • render-man( int32 $options, int32 $width )

Render this node as a manpage, with the appropriate options $options, $width

  • render-commonmark( int32 $options, int32 $width )

Render this node as the original CommonMark text, with the appropriate options $options and $idth

  • render-latex( int32 $options, int32 $width )

Render this node as LaTeX, with the appropriate options $options, $width

  • check( int32 $file-ID )

Check this node with file descriptor $file-ID

CommonMark::Iterator class

  • next()

Return the next item in this iterator

  • node()

Return the current node for the iterator

  • event-type()

Return the current event type

  • root()

Return the root for the iterator

  • reset( CommonMark::Node $current, int32 $event-type )

Reset the iterator to node $current, type $event-type

CommonMark::Parser class

  • feed( Str $buffer )

Feed the buffer to the parser

  • finish()

Finish parsing the document