
Learn Perl 6 grammars by reading the commit log

Primary LanguagePerl 6Artistic License 2.0Artistic-2.0


Language::Picat - Learn Perl 6 Grammars in github


use Language::Picat::Grammar;

my $fh = open 'picat-sample.pi', :r;
say Language::Picat::Grammar.new.parse( $fh.slurp );


The important thing here isn't so much the language, but the commit log. Go back to the very first commit, and read about the process of language design. You'll also want to read The Perl Fisher for an idea of the technique I'm using, and have largely developed on my own.

It's not fully-featured by any means, and some of the commit logs are purposely broken, because I want to show both the easy stuff and the times when I make mistakes and paint myself into corners.


Jeffrey Goff jgoff@cpan.org


Copyright 2019 Jeffrey Goff

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.