
List of useful shortcuts to increase your productivity

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List of useful shortcuts to increase your productivity


Command Description
Ctrl+A Start of the command line
Ctrl+E End of the command line
Ctrl+K Delete from cursor to the end of the command line
Ctrl+U Delete from cursor to the start of the command line
Ctrl+W Delete from cursor to start of word
Ctrl+Y Paste text that was cut using one of the deletion shortcuts after the cursor
Ctrl+XX Move between start of command line and current cursor position
Alt+B Move backward one word (or go to start of word the cursor is currently on)
Alt+F Move forward one word (or go to end of word the cursor is currently on)
Alt+D Delete to end of word starting at cursor
Alt+C Capitalize to end of word starting at cursor
Alt+U Make uppercase from cursor to end of word
Alt+L Make lowercase from cursor to end of word
Alt+T Swap current word with previous
Ctrl+F Move forward one character
Ctrl+B Move backward one character
Ctrl+D Delete character under the cursor
Ctrl+H Delete character before the cursor
Ctrl+T Swap character under cursor with the previous one
Ctrl+R Search the history backwards
Ctrl+G Escape from history searching mode
Ctrl+P Previous command in history
Ctrl+N Next command in history
Alt+Dot (.) Use the last word of the previous command
Ctrl+L Clear the screen
Ctrl+S Stops the output to the screen
Ctrl+Q Allow output to the screen
Ctrl+C Terminate the command
Ctrl+Z Suspend/stop the command
foo+Up Print out or/and loop through the previous commands that start with foo
!! Run last command
!foo Run the most recent command that starts with ‘foo’
!foo:p Print out the command that !foo would run
!$ The last word of the previous command (same as Alt+.)
!$:p Print out the word that !$ would substitute
!* The previous command except for the last word
!*:p Print out what !* would substitute
!?foo:p Print out the last command that contains foo


Command Description
Ctrl+Shift+X Showing all terminals or only showing the current one
Ctrl+Shift+O Split Horizontally
Ctrl+Shift+E Split Vertically
Ctrl+Shift+Right Move parent dragbar Right
Ctrl+Shift+Left Move parent dragbar Left
Ctrl+Shift+Up Move parent dragbar Up
Ctrl+Shift+Down Move parent dragbar Down
Ctrl+Tab Move to the next terminal (in same tab)
Ctrl+Shit+Tab Move to previous terminal (in same tab)
Alt+Right Move to the right terminal
Alt+Left Move to the left terminal
Alt+Up Move to the top terminal
Alt+Down Move to the bottom terminal
Ctrl+Shift+W Close the current terminal
Ctrl+Shift+T Open new tab
Ctrl+PgDown Move to the right tab
Ctrl+PgUp Move to the left tab
Ctrl+Plus (+) Increase font size
Ctrl+Minus (-) Decrease font size
Ctrl+Zero (0) Restore font size to original setting
Ctrl+Shit+Q Quit terminator


Command Description
⌘+T Open new tab
⌘+Left Move to the left tab
⌘+Rigth Move to the right tab
⌘+D Split Vertically
⇧+⌘+D Split Horizontally
⌘+⌥+Right Move to the right terminal
⌘+⌥+Left Move to the left terminal
⌘+⌥+Up Move to the top terminal
⌘+⌥+Down Move to the bottom terminal
⌘+⌥+I Broadcast the input to all terminals in the current tab
⌘+⇧+I Broadcast the input to all terminals in all tabs