
Sets up a deployment scheme based on git-pushing from the control machine.

This role sets up a system on target machines where we have a bare git repo and a target workdir as well as a git folder on the local control machine. When this role is ran, we setup our remote bare git repo with a post-receive trigger that checks out the pushed commit into our work dir. Then, we push the HEAD of our local repo into that remote bare repo and let the post-receive hook do its job.

This deployment system is described in this blog post.

Important: this role is designed to run as an unprivileged user. See below.


  • Ansible 2.2+
  • One of the supported target systems:
    • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Git installed on the control machine


You call this role as with any other roles. See vars file for customisation options.

- name: Deploy our project through git push
  hosts: all
    - role: gitpush-deploy
      gitpush_local_repo_path: gitrepos/myproject/.git
      gitpush_repo_path: /opt/myproject/gitrepo
      gitpush_workdir_path: /opt/myproject/www
      become: yes
      become_user: myproject_user

Mandatory variables are:

  • gitpush_local_repo_path
  • gitpush_repo_path
  • gitpush_workdir_path

Designed to run as unprivileged

To avoid permission errors, you should properly become when calling this role.

This role is designed so it can run directly with an unprivileged ansible_user (without become), but it still tries to install git. So if your target isn't sure to already have git installed, you should initially run this role from a superuser (with proper become-ing to your unprivileged user. gitpush-deploy will override become to no before trying to install git.

Alternatively, you can simply make sure that git is already installed.