
TikZJax is TikZ running under WebAssembly in the browser

Primary LanguageJavaScript


TikZJax converts script tags (containing TikZ code) into SVGs.

See a live demo at http://tikzjax.com/


In the <head> of your HTML, include

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://tikzjax.com/v1/fonts.css">
<script src="http://tikzjax.com/v1/tikzjax.js"></script>

Then in the <body>, include TikZ code such as

<script type="text/tikz">
    \draw (0,0) circle (1in);

Your TikZ will be compiled into SVGs; the <script> element will be replaced with the corresponding SVG.

How does this work?

Using https://github.com/kisonecat/web2js the Pascal source of tex is compiled to WebAssembly; the latex format is loaded (without all the hyphenation data), and


is executed. Then core is dumped; the resulting core is compressed, and by reloading the dumped core in the browser, it is possible to very quickly get to a point where TikZ can be executed. By using an SVG driver for PGF along with https://github.com/kisonecat/dvi2html the DVI output is converted to an SVG.

All of this happens in the browser.