
Converts a CSV file into a PostgreSQL table

Primary LanguagePython

To try it out:

% python setup.py install
% csv2psql --schema=public --key=student_id,class_id example/enrolled.csv > enrolled.sql
% psql -f enrolled.sql

Converts a CSV file into a PostgreSQL table.

Usage: csv2psql [options] ( input.csv | - ) [tablename] | psql

options include:
--schema=name   use name as schema, and strip table name if needed
--role=name     use name as role for database transaction
--key=a:b:c     create a primary key using columns named a, b, c.
--unique=a:b:c  create a unique index using columns named a, b, c.
--append        skips table creation and truncation, inserts only
--cascade       drops tables with cascades
--sniff=N       limit field type detection to N rows (default: 1000)
--utf8          force client encoding to UTF8
		sets the data type for field NAME to TYPE

environment variables:
CSV2PSQL_SCHEMA      default value for --schema
CSV2PSQL_ROLE        default value for --role

Written by Darren Hardy <hardy@nceas.ucsb.edu>