In your terminal complete the following
- clone down this repo run
git clone https://github.com/mike-duke/byob-frontend.git
- cd into the
npm install
will install all dependencies requirednpm start
application will be live on the following port:localhost:3000
npm test
will run test suite
For this project we contributed to a public repo created by @JoelSmith @KylieStanley. They created a backend repo with a database storing top rated taco restaurants and the US citiies where they are located. After contributing to issues on the scrum board on thier repo page we pivoted to creating a front-end site where users could find documentation on how to consume their API.
Using Jest and React.js we delivivered a fast single page appliction fueled by TDD. At the click of the button users are able to see a sample request body, status code for success, and reponse body for any given endpoint available on the server.
- React
- Jest
- Enzyme
- Heroku
- TravisCI
- clone down this repo run