Automated Data Pipeline For Sentiment Analysis and Recommendation System About Marvel Cinematic Universe Movies

The main goal of this project is to build and maintain an ETL pipeline that stores the popular Marvel movie data and Reddit posts that mention them (the pipeline can capture the data in real time), then analyze the sentiment of people toward these movies based on the collected data. We also leverage the available dataset from the top 5000 movies on the IMDB website to build a recommendation system to suggest movies that are similar to these Marvel movies. In the end, we will build a dashboard that visualizes the proportion of the audience’s sentiment and the other recommended movies for each Marvel movie.



Tools Used

  • Python: A programming language for writing scripts.
  • SQLite: A relational database management system for storing data.
  • Dash Plotly: A platform for writing and creating interactive web applications.
  • Apache Airflow: An open-source platform for developing, scheduling, and monitoring batch-oriented workflows.
  • Heroku: A platform as a service (PaaS) that enables developers to build, run, and operate applications entirely in the cloud.

Data Sources

The two main data sources that we used for this project are collected from Reddit and IMDB websites. The IMDB movie data is public on the internet while the Reddit data is scraped through API.


  • The purpose of this step is to collect the top popular movies of Marvel Studios' information from the IMDB website. The data collected includes name, duration, genre, release date, average rating, number ratings, overview, and tagline of the movies.
  • To achieve this, I used Selenium to scrape these information. First, I navigated to the link which has a list of popular movies from Marvel Studios, then I created a function to collect all the links to each individual movie and store them in a list. After having these links, I created a function to collect all the features of the movie that I listed above. The last step is to apply this function for all the links of the movie through the loop and load the data to the database when it is collected ultimately.

2. Data pipeline of user submission on Reddit

  • After having the information about the top popular movies of Marvel Studios, I built a data pipeline that uses the names of films collected in the above step as input. The purpose of this data pipeline is to auto-collect posts in Reddit where people discuss the movies, then process and transform this raw data into a suitable format, and finally load this processed data to the databases from where I can query the dataset to analyze the sentiment of people to these movies.
  • In this process, I used Pyspark to manipulate the collected data and SQLite database to store it.
  • In the Extract phase, I used an API library of Reddit called Pushshift API to extract the Reddit posts from users about movies. The function of it has inputs such as the search term (name of the movie in this case), the max number of posts that I want to get, the start and end time, and which field of data I want to collect (I will get the id, author, time created, the domain, link, title, content, number comments and the score of each post in this case).
  • In the Transform phase, first, I need to ensure the primary key (id of the post in this case) is unique i.e. not allow the duplicated data to happen before it is loaded to the database, then I used some methods to preprocess and transform the data collected from the Extract phase. They include removing the posts that have the same or empty content, removing redundant space, removing URLs, special messy characters, and emoji of content.
  • In the Load phase, first, I chose the location of the database, then I connected to the database and created a table using the SQL syntax, and finally, loaded the transformed data to it.
  • To perform the entire process, first, I created a dictionary using the movie names as the key and their release date as the value, then created a loop through this dictionary to do the ETL for all the movies, each movie I scraped all the posts discuss it with the max number posts are 10 thousand from its release date to one year later.
  • In this process, I used Pandas to do some advanced text processing, the VADER library to perform sentiment analysis, and the SQLite database to store the results of the analysis.
  • In the text processing step, I combined the title and content of the post into a single feature, then converted them into lowercase and removed punctuation and redundant space.
  • Finally, I connected to the database and created a table using the SQL syntax, and stored the sentiment results in it.
  • To perform the two above processes in real time, I used Airflow to schedule the data pipeline that automatically does the ETL process and the sentiment analysis process weekly. Note that in order to run the airflow function, I combined the two processes above into a general function.

3. Movie recommendation system

  • The purpose of this recommendation is to leverage the dataset about the information of movies in the IMDB (top 5000 movies) to suggest other movies that are similar to the top popular movies of Marvel Studios.
  • In this step, I used SQLite to query the dataset of Marvel and IMDB movies from the database and Pyspark to do some text processing.
  • The text processing process includes removing movies with no information, removing special characters, URLs, punctuation, stop-words, and redundant space out of the movie description, converting it to lowercase, and lemmatizing words.
  • The recommendation system is built using the content-based method, the idea is to use the overview and tagline of the movies as the feature, then calculate the cosine similarity score to find the top movies that are similar to the initial movie.
  • In this step, I used the Gensim library to perform the word embedding technique and the scikit-learn library to calculate the cosine similarity.
  • First, I loaded the dataset processed in the previous step, then used the pre-trained word2vec model of Google to convert the text data to the numeric format.
  • After that, I calculated the cosine similarity matrix between the IMDB and Marvel movies and saved the result.
  • After having the sentiment of people of each movie and other recommended movies for it, I created a dashboard to visualize them. The dashboard can be updated weekly due to the automated data pipeline that I built in the previous steps. I used Plotly to draw the chart and Dash to create interactive web applications for the dashboard.
  • Then, I used Heroku for hosting the web app, the dashboard looks like this below:



  • This is an interesting project, since I all started from zero and studied lots of things about data science and data engineering concept through this project.
  • With the success of performing sentiment analysis and building the recommendation system, I will enhance my project in the future at some points:
    • Collect more and more movies from other online movie platforms to recommend the diverse movies with attractive contents.
    • Integrate the opinions of audiences from other social media like Facebook, and Twitter to estimate the sentiment better.