



0. Structures

├───assets  (containing file for web layout design)
│       style.css
├───data chunk (containing separated data for each district)
├───data  (containing data for processing)
├── app.py        
├── crawl_data.ipynb
├── eda_cleaning.ipynb
├── feature_engineering_selection.ipynb
├── model.ipynb
├── final_model.sav
├── Procfile           
└── requirements.txt

1. Data Scraping

2. Data Cleaning

  • Drop duplicated values
  • Extracted and create new information from text desription of each house.
  • Correct wrong price and numeric value of observations
  • Correct missing values

3. Data Exploratory Analysis

  • Examine missing values
  • Analyze numerical variables and their distribution
  • Analyze categorical variables and their cardinality
  • Detect outliers
  • Analyze relationship between all the features of house and the house price

4. Feature Engineering

  • Remove outliers
  • Complete missing values
  • Transform numerical variables due to its skew distribution
  • Encode categorical variables for model building
  • Create new feature from heading title
  • Oversampling data
  • Cluster and PCA

5. Feature Selection

  • Drop redundant features
  • Remove highly correlated features
  • Examine features importance
  • Remove anomaly observations

6. Model Bulding and Tuning

  • Perform K-fold cross validation
  • Use Random Forest, XGB and LightGBM algorithm for training datasets
  • Perform RandomizedSearchCV for optimizing score

7. Web App Deployment

  • For app deployment, I using Dash to design and represent. I also using Heroku for hosting web app.


  • This project aims to help people to somewhat determine a price for their real estate to sell as well as to be able to determine if the houses they intend to buy are being sold for a reasonable price. However, above all, the main purpose of this project is to have a fun time when playing with machine learning.