Registering the Service Broker
Deregistering the Service Broker
A BOSH release of a MySQL database-as-a-service for Cloud Foundry using MariaDB Galera Cluster and a v2 Service Broker.
Component | Description |
CF MySQL Broker | Advertises the MySQL service and plans. Creates and deletes MySQL databases and credentials (bindings) at the request of Cloud Foundry's Cloud Controller. |
MySQL Server | The MySQL instances, either single or 3-node cluster. Currently using MariaDB 10 (versions vary by release). |
Proxy | Switchboard; proxies to MySQL, severing connections on MySQL node failure. |
Traffic to the MySQL cluster is routed through one or more proxy nodes. The current proxy implementation is Switchboard. This proxy acts as an intermediary between the client and the MySQL server, providing failover between MySQL nodes. The number of nodes is configured by the proxy job instance count in the deployment manifest.
NOTE: If the number of proxy nodes is set to zero, apps will be bound to the IP address of the first MySQL node in the cluster. If that IP address should change for any reason (e.g. loss of a VM) or a proxy was subsequently added, one would need to re-bind all apps to the IP address of the new node.
For more details see the proxy documentation.
A user-facing service dashboard is provided by the service broker that displays storage utilization information for each service instance.
The dashboard is accessible by users via Single Sign-On (SSO) once authenticated with Cloud Foundry.
The dashboard URL can be found by running cf service MY_SERVICE_INSTANCE
Service authors interested in implementing a service dashboard accessible via SSO can follow documentation for Dashboard SSO.
SSO is initiated when a user navigates to the URL found in the
field. This value is returned to cloud controller by the broker in response to a provision request, and is exposed in the cloud controller API for the service instance. A users client must expose this field as a link, or it can be obtained via curl (cf curl /v2/service_instances/:guid
) and copied into a browser. -
SSO requires the following OAuth client to be configured in cf-release. This client is responsible for creating the OAuth client for the MySQL dashboard. Without this client configured in cf-release, the MySQL dashboard will not be accessible but the service will be otherwise functional. Registering the broker will display a warning to this effect.
properties: uaa: clients: cc-service-dashboards: secret: cc-broker-secret scope: cloud_controller.write,openid,, authorities:,clients.write,clients.admin authorized-grant-types: client_credentials
SSO was implemented in v169 of cf-release; if you are on an older version of cf-release you'll encounter an error when you register the service broker. If upgrading cf-release is not an option, try removing the following lines from the cf-mysql-release manifest and redeploy.
dashboard_client: id: p-mysql secret: yoursecret
The following links show how this release implements Dashboard SSO integration.
- Update the broker catalog with the dashboard client properties
- Implement oauth workflow with the omniauth-uaa-oauth2 gem
- Use the cf-uaa-lib gem to get a valid access token and request permissions on the instance
- Before showing the user the dashboard, the broker checks to see if the user is logged-in and has permissions to view the usage details of the instance.
The dashboard URL defaults to using the https
scheme. This means any requests using http
will automatically be redirected to https
To override this, you can change
to false
Keep in mind that changing the ssl_enabled
setting for an existing broker will not update previously advertised dashboard URLs.
Visiting the old URL may fail if you are using the SSO integration,
because the OAuth2 client registered with UAA will expect users to both come from and return to a URI using the scheme
implied by the ssl_enabled
If using https
, the broker must be reached through an SSL termination proxy.
Connecting to the broker directly on https
will result in a port 443: Connection refused
By default, the broker will not trust a self-signed SSL certificate when communicating with cf-release.
To trust self-signed SSL certificates, you can change
to true
Final releases are designed for public use, and are tagged with a version number of the form "v". The releases and corresponding release notes can be found on github.
See our contributing docs for instructions on how to make a pull request.
This BOSH release doubles as a $GOPATH
. It will automatically be set up for
you if you have direnv installed.
# fetch release repo
mkdir -p ~/workspace
cd ~/workspace
git clone
cd cf-mysql-release/
# switch to develop branch (not master!)
git checkout develop
# automate $GOPATH and $PATH setup
direnv allow
# initialize and sync submodules
If you do not wish to use direnv, you can simply source
the .envrc
file in the root
of the release repo. You may manually need to update your $GOPATH
and $PATH
as you switch in and out of the directory.
For release notes and known issues, see the release wiki.
See to deploy with new BOSH features such as cloud-config and links.
A deployment of BOSH
A deployment of Cloud Foundry, final release 193 or greater
Instructions for installing BOSH and Cloud Foundry can be found at
Routing release v0.145.0 or later is required to register the proxy and broker routes with Cloud Foundry:
bosh upload release
Standalone deployments (i.e. deployments that do not interact with Cloud Foundry) do not require the routing release.
- Upload Stemcell
- Upload Release
- Create Infrastructure
- Deployment Components
- Create Manifest and Deploy
After installation, the MySQL service will be visible in the Services Marketplace; using the CLI, run cf marketplace
The latest final release expects the Ubuntu Trusty (14.04) go_agent stemcell version 2859 by default. Older stemcells are not recommended. Stemcells can be downloaded from; choose the appropriate stemcell for your infrastructure (vsphere esxi, aws hvm, or openstack kvm).
You can use a pre-built final release or build a dev release from any of the branches described in Getting the Code.
Final releases are stable releases created periodically for completed features. They also contain pre-compiled packages, which makes deployment much faster. To deploy the latest final release, simply check out the master branch. This will contain the latest final release and accompanying materials to generate a manifest. If you would like to deploy an earlier final release, use git checkout <tag>
to obtain both the release and corresponding manifest generation materials. It's important that the manifest generation materials are consistent with the release.
If you'd like to deploy the latest code, build a release yourself from the develop branch.
Run the upload command, referencing the latest config file in the releases
$ cd ~/workspace/cf-mysql-release
$ git checkout master
$ ./scripts/update
$ bosh upload release releases/cf-mysql/cf-mysql-<N>.yml
If deploying an older final release than the latest, check out the tag for the desired version; this is necessary for generating a manifest that matches the code you're deploying.
$ cd ~/workspace/cf-mysql-release
$ git checkout v<N>
$ ./scripts/update
$ bosh upload release releases/cf-mysql/cf-mysql-<N>.yml
- Checkout one of the branches described in Getting the Code. Build a BOSH development release.
$ cd ~/workspace/cf-mysql-release
$ git checkout release-candidate
$ ./scripts/update
$ bosh create release
When prompted to name the release, call it cf-mysql
- Upload the release to your bosh environment:
$ bosh upload release
Note: No infrastructure changes are required to deploy to bosh-lite
Prior to deployment, the operator should define three subnets via their infrastructure provider. The MySQL release is designed to be deployed across three subnets to ensure availability in the event of a subnet failure. During installation, a fourth subnet is required for compilation vms. The iaas-settings.yml demonstrates how these subnets can be configured on AWS across multiple availability zones.
In order to route requests to both proxies, the operator should create a load balancer. Manifest changes required to configure a load balancer can be found in the proxy documentation. Once a load balancer is configured, the brokers will hand out the address of the load balancer rather than the IP of the first proxy. Currently, load balancing requests across both proxies can increase the possibility of deadlocks. See the routing documentation for more information. To avoid this problem, configure the load balancer to route requests to the second proxy only in the event of a failure.
- Note: When using an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) on Amazon, make sure to create the ELB in the same VPC as your cf-mysql deployment
- Note: For all load balancers, take special care to configure health checks to use the health_port of the proxies (default 1936). Do not configure the load balancer to use port 3306.
There are three mysql jobs (mysql_z1, mysql_z2, mysql_z3) which should be deployed with one instance each. Each of these instances will reside in separate subnets as described in the previous section. The number of mysql nodes should always be odd, with a minimum count of three, to avoid split-brain. When the failed node comes back online, it will automatically rejoin the cluster and sync data from one of the healthy nodes. Note: Due to our bootstrapping procedure, if you are bringing up a cluster for the first time, there must be a database node in the first subnet.
There are two proxy jobs (proxy_z1, proxy_z2), which should be deployed with one instance each to different subnets. The second proxy is intended to be used in a failover capacity. In the event the first proxy fails, the second proxy will still be able to route requests to the mysql nodes.
There are also two broker jobs (cf-mysql-broker_z1, cf-mysql-broker_z2) which should be deployed with one instance each to different subnets. The brokers each register a route with the router, which load balances requests across the brokers.
Please note that the manifest generation scripts require spiff version 1.0.7 or greater.
To use the provided manifest stubs you will need a version of bosh-lite that supports multiple containers on the same subnet (bosh-lite version 9000.50.0+).
Run the following script to generate a working manifest for a bosh-lite on your local machine:
$ ./scripts/generate-bosh-lite-manifest
Run the following command to deploy cf-mysql to the bosh-lite (assumes release has already been uploaded):
$ bosh deploy
- To edit the manifest:
$ bosh edit deployment
Note: Only AWS and vSphere infrastructures are currently tested by the cf-mysql team.
We have provided example stubs to serve as a starting point.
Copy these stubs to your config repository, and fill in the REPLACE_WITH
text with values for your environment.
For example, the following files can be used for an AWS deployment:
$ cp cf-mysql-release/manifest-generation/examples/aws/iaas-settings.yml \
cf-mysql-release/manifest-generation/examples/property-overrides.yml \
Additional example stubs can be found under cf-mysql-release/manifest-generation/examples/. These include:
- Deploying with a minimal number of VMs (examples/minimal/)
- Deploying without a running CF deployment (examples/standalone/)
- Replacing the arbitrator with a full MySQL node (examples/no-arbitrator/)
Run the ./scripts/generate-deployment-manifest
with the stubs you created in
the preceeding steps.
Mandatory arguments:
-c CF Manifest
-p Property overrides stub file
-i Infrastructure settings stub file
Optional arguments
-n Instance count overrides stub file (single node, 3 node)
-v Release versions stub file
-j Manifest stub file for additional jobs
For example:
$ ./scripts/generate-deployment-manifest \
-c <YOUR_CONFIG_REPO>/cf-manifest.yml \
-p <YOUR_CONFIG_REPO>/cf-mysql/property-overrides.yml \
-i <YOUR_CONFIG_REPO>/cf-mysql/iaas-settings.yml \
> cf-mysql.yml
Once the manifest has been generated, do the following to deploy cf-mysql on your environment.
- Deploy CF-MySQL (assumes release has already been uploaded):
$ bosh deploy
- To edit the manifest:
$ bosh edit deployment
Manifest properties are described in the spec
file for each job; see jobs.
You can find your director_uuid
by running bosh status --uuid
The MariaDB cluster nodes are configured by default with 100GB of persistent disk. This can be configured in your stub or manifest using disk_pools.mysql-persistent-disk.disk_size
, however your deployment will fail if this is less than 3GB; we recommend allocating 10GB at a minimum.
BOSH errands were introduced in version 2366 of the BOSH CLI, BOSH Director, and stemcells.
$ bosh run errand broker-registrar
Note: the broker-registrar errand will fail if the broker has already been registered, and the broker name does not match the manifest property
. Use the cf rename-service-broker
CLI command to change the broker name to match the manifest property then this errand will succeed.
First register the broker using the
CLI. You must be logged in as an admin.$ cf create-service-broker p-mysql BROKER_USERNAME BROKER_PASSWORD URL
are the credentials Cloud Foundry will use to authenticate when making API calls to the service broker. Use the values for manifest
specifies where the Cloud Controller will access the MySQL broker. Use the value of the manifest
. By default, this value is set top-mysql.<properties.domain>
(in spiff:"p-mysql." .properties.domain
).For more information, see Managing Service Brokers.
By default, applications cannot to connect to IP addresses on the private network,
preventing applications from connecting to the MySQL service.
To enable access to the service, create a new security group for the IP
configured in your manifest for the property
Note: This is not required for CF running on bosh-lite, as these application groups are pre-configured.
- Add the rule to a file in the following json format; multiple rules are supported.
"destination": "",
"protocol": "all"
"destination": "",
"protocol": "all"
"destination": "",
"protocol": "all"
Create a security group from the rule file.
$ cf create-security-group p-mysql rule.json
Enable the rule for all apps
$ cf bind-running-security-group p-mysql
Security group changes are only applied to new application containers; existing apps must be restarted.
The smoke tests are useful for verifying a deployment. The MySQL Release contains an "smoke-tests" job which is deployed as a BOSH errand. The errand can then be run to verify the deployment. A deployment manifest generated with the provided spiff templates will include this job.
To run the MySQL Release Smoke tests you will need:
- a running CF instance
- credentials for a CF Admin user
- a deployed MySQL Release with the broker registered and the plan made public
Run the smoke tests via bosh errand as follows:
$ bosh run errand smoke-tests
Modifying values under
may be required. Configuration options can be found in the job spec.
The following commands are destructive and are intended to be run in conjuction with deleting your BOSH deployment.
BOSH errands were introduced in version 2366 of the BOSH CLI, BOSH Director, and stemcells.
This errand runs the two commands listed in the manual section below from a BOSH-deployed VM.
$ bosh run errand deregister-and-purge-instances
Run the following:
$ cf purge-service-offering p-mysql
$ cf delete-service-broker p-mysql
The service is configured to have a small footprint out of the box. These resources are sufficient for development, but may be insufficient for production workloads. If the service appears to be performing poorly, redeploying with increased resources may improve performance. See deployment resources for further details.