
Qt Json Tree Model

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


QJsonModel is a JSON tree model class for Qt6/C++17 based on QAbstractItemModel.

QJsonModel was originally written by Sacha Shutz (https://github.com/dridk).

This fork is also released under the MIT License.


Build Instructions

Build Tools

  • CMake (version 3.21 or higher)
  • C++17-compatible compiler

Building the Project

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <URL>
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd  elemental-game
  3. Configure your build system:

    cmake -B debug -G Unix Makefiles
    # or
    cmake -B debug -G Ninja   # this is faster and more modern
  4. Invoke your build system

    cmake --build debug

Usage - CMake

You can add this library to your CMake projects using FetchContent() or CPM_AddPackage().

Here's how to do it with CPM_AddPackage:


Usage - C++

QJsonModel * model = new QJsonModel;
QTreeView * view = new QTreeView;