
PHP port of UglifyJS compressor

Primary LanguagePHP


Build Status

PHP port of UglifyJS. Since PHP supports closures, it's like some kind of "transliteration".

It supports PHP >= 5.4, but using PHP >= 7.0 is recommended.

It runs 1.5x - 4x slower than the original Node version, depending on the PHP environment. With PHP7, the performance would be acceptable.


  • Purely written in PHP, does not need Node.js installed
  • Does not require non-default extensions
  • Evaluates simple constant expressions correctly

Known limitations

  • PHP has no native support of Unicode, and the mb_* functions are unbearably slow, so your code cannot contain non-ASCII characters (except in comments). However, Unicode escape sequences are supported.
  • No support for ast_lift_variables and ast_consolidate


The APIs should be almost identical to the original ones.

require 'parse-js.php';
require 'process.php';

$orig_code = '... JS code here';
$ast = $parse($orig_code); // parse code and get the initial AST
$ast = $ast_mangle($ast); // get a new AST with mangled names
$ast = $ast_squeeze($ast); // get an AST with compression optimizations
$final_code = $strip_lines($gen_code($ast)); // compressed code here