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This package is the router prototype for Zend Framework 3. It isn't by any means complete yet, but evolving quickly. It was just quickly hacked together so it can be demonstrated at ZendConEU.
Right now it is not usable within Zend Framework 2, but a simple bridge class can be created to make it work.
Route configuration is greatly simplified from ZF2, routes now have an (optional) 4 key indexed array as the first 4 parameters, the format for the shortcut parameters are:
[path, action, controller, methods]
This may feel counter intuitive, but the idea is that the most frequently changed parameter appears earliest in the order so that when defining child routes you can skip parameters you wish to inherit.
, action
and controller
will expect a string, whereas method
will expect either an array of methods this
route should match, a single method in a string, or a string of '*'
for all methods. An empty string ''
match no methods. Currently, passing no method defaults to 'get'
Along with the indexed shortcut parameters, named configuration can also be passed using key value pairs:
'path' => '/foo',
'action' => 'bar',
'controller' => 'FooController',
'methods' => ['get', 'post']
Parameters and named values can be mixed, although the first 4 indexed items will always to be presumed to be the parameters as ordered above.
Child routes can be simply defined in the children
key of the configuration of the parent route:
'dash_router' => [
'routes' => [
'user' => ['/user', 'user', 'index', 'children' =>
'create' => ['/create', 'Application\Controller\UserController', 'create', ['get', 'post']],
'edit' => ['/edit/:id', 'edit', 'Application\Controller\UserController', ['get', 'post'], 'constraints' => ['id' => '\d+']],
'delete' => ['/delete/:id', 'edit', 'Application\Controller\UserController', 'constraints' => ['id' => '\d+']],
The router no longer has mulitple route types, instead the Generic
route handles all aspects of HTTP routing.
Instead of specificing the route type in the configuration, the router now knows how to handle all routes based
solely on the configuration.
For example, if you want a given route only to match a specific hostname, simply define the correct key value pair in that route's configuration:
'user' => ['/user', index', 'Application\Controller\UserController', ['get'], 'hostname' => 'login.example.com']
Similarly, if a given route should only match the https protocol:
'user' => ['/user', index', 'Application\Controller\UserController', ['get'], 'secure' => true]
One confusion that's anticipate to be a minor problem is the confusion of how to overload a given route parameter from within a different module. This is easily achieved by defining the relevant key\value in the configuration that is intended to override the route. Overwriting a route parameter by the shortcut key will not take effect because it will only be added to the end of the configuration array
Module A
'user' => ['/user', index', 'Application\Controller\UserController', ['get']]
Module B
'user' => ['path' => '/userinfo']
now will no longer match, but /userinfo
will match in it's place.