
An Adobe Air application for working with the Pomodoro technique. Originally hosted at code.google.com/p/pomodairo

Primary LanguageActionScript

This project was exported from code.google.com/p/pomodairo

Pomodairo logo #Pomodairo

An Adobe Air application for working with the Pomodoro technique, http://www.pomodorotechnique.com.

Pomodairo includes the obligatory timer of course, but also includes a task list for the pomodoros. The application keeps track of pomodoros, unplanned and interruptions during the day.


Mini mode Pomodairo Client mini view (version 1.9):

Standard view Pomodairo Client (version 1.7):

Tasklist Pomodairo Client with tasklist (version 1.7):


  • Install Adobe AIR runtime
  • Download and install Pomodairo.air

Feedback is very much appreciated! Please click on the Issue tab to report bugs and/or provide feature-requests.

The current version is 1.9. Please see the release notes below if you are upgrading from an older version.


There is an FAQ page started here. Check the wiki-pages here. Or you can use the forums found here.

Donations for original developers

Pomodairo is freeware and will remain free. However if you find Pomodairo useful then consider making a donation. Thank you!


Release Notes

Version 1.9

  • Added support for custom sounds
  • Added support for arrange task order
  • Added break time configuration
  • Reworked the menu and config system

Version 1.8

  • Added config for continuous ticking sound
  • Fixed Twitter OAuth authentication - More info here
  • Set location of database, enables computer synchronization
  • Fix for duration when in timezones with +-xx:30
  • Added miniview that can be toggled on/off

Version 1.7

  • Cleaned up GUI
  • Added menu
  • Added right-click menu in task list
  • Added edit task functionality
  • Added experimental Twitter integration

Version 1.6

  • Added statistics, contributed by Jochen
  • Added direct done and next button, contributed by Jochen
  • Added URL mapping of tasks with hashcode (#), contributed by Jochen
  • Fixed bug when resolution is changed ( issue #30 )
  • Minor graphical and UI updates

Version 1.5

  • Setting close date for done tasks
  • Added ability to copy name of the pomodoro to clipboard
  • Pomodoro and timer now shows in taskbar. Can be turned off in configuration.
  • Pomodoros are only counted when timer completes.
  • Configuration option to keep window on top.
  • Deleted pomodoros that are running will be stopped and cleared.
  • Made visual notification for time out more distinct.
  • Added a refresh button to DatabaseViewer

Version 1.4

  • Added persisted configuration for sound, volume and time per Pomodoro
  • The application now remember the position on the screen between restarts
  • Fixed flashing tool tip on 'Done' button

Version 1.3

NOTE: This is the first release using auto-update, please report any issues with the updater asap!

  • Fixed a bug where the break timer would not stop
  • Added blinking of the counter when it reaches 00:00
  • Some minor design enhancement

Version 1.2

  • Added automatic updates for future releases.
  • Removed 'start' button in tasklist.
  • Added a sound on/off toggle icon

Version 1.1

NOTE: 1.1 is not backwards compatible with the 1.0 database. All your tasks in the 1.0 database will be lost when you upgrade to v1.1

  • Added a 'Clean' functionality in the task list. Clean removes all items that are 'done'.
  • Added breaks. A break will be started automatically 5 seconds after the pomodoro ends and will keep counting until the break is stopped.
  • Added coloration. The timer will be red when there is less than one minute remaining. Breaks will be green.
  • Plus some more minor tweaks =)